Burial in Arlington National Cemetery

Regular Air Force: Retired

Benefit Fact Sheet

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Arlington National Cemetery is the most hallowed burial ground of our nation's fallen. A fully operational national cemetery since May 1864, Arlington conducts between 27 and 30 funeral services each weekday and up to 10 services on Saturdays - final farewells to fallen heroes and their family members.


Service members who die while on active duty, retired members of the Armed Forces, and certain veterans and family members are eligible for burial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Benefit Highlights

Eligibility for Interment

Arlington National Cemetery’s (ANC) eligibility for burial and inurnment are different from other national cemeteries. Eligibility is verified at the time of death and requirement are subject to change. See the chart below to determine current eligibility.

Current Eligibility

Service Member
with Honorable Discharge


Inurnment in Columbarium Court or Niche Wall

In-Ground Burial (Casket or Cremated)

Dies on Title 10 federal active duty (other than for training)



Dies on active duty for training while serving under Title 10 status



Veteran – retired from active duty and receiving retirement pay



Veteran – at least one day of active duty other than for training



Veteran – received Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross (Air Force or Navy), Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star or Purple Heart



Any member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces, and any member of the Air National Guard, whose death occurs under honorable conditions while on active duty for training or performing full-time service



Any former prisoner of war who, while a prisoner of war, served honorably in the active military, naval or air service; whose last period of service terminated honorably; and who died on or after November 30, 1993



Spouses, minor children, and dependent adult children of eligible service members are also eligible for burial. (Army Regulation 290-5 defines an adult dependent child as an adult permanently incapable of self-support because of physical or mental disability incurred before age 21.)

Scheduling a Funeral

Upon the death of your eligible loved one call the customer service center at: 877-907-8585. At that time, you will receive a case number and directed to send the required eligibility documents to arlingtoncemetery.isb@army.mil

Be sure to note your case number on all documents.

Eligibility documents include:

  • DD214 (or service equivalent)
  • Death Certificate
  • Cremation certificate (if applicable)

Service members on horses pulling a wagon with a casket on top through Arlington cemetery Services are prioritized for scheduling in the order that they are received. Active-duty deaths and casketed remains are prioritized in the scheduling process.

Wait times vary according to service branch, based on numbers of cases in the queue from each service branch, as well as what funeral honors are being performed.

Funeral services are held Monday-Friday, except federal holidays, from 9am-3pm. Services that do not require military honors or chaplain support can be scheduled on Saturday from 9am-2pm.

See the Order of Events page for more information.

Military Honors

Every uniformed service member or veteran of the Armed forces is eligible for military funeral honors, which are provided by the decedent’s branch of service. The three types of funeral honors rendered at ANC are:

  • Military Funeral Honors - Enlisted service members, E-1 through E-8, WO-1 through CW-3, and O-1 through O-3. Military funeral honors include the following elements:
    • Casket team (body bearers/pallbearers)
    • Firing party (family can request bullet casings)
    • Bugler
    • Folding of and presentation of the U.S. flag
  • Military Funeral Honors with Funeral Escort - Members who attained the grade of E-9, CW-4 and CW-5, and O-4 and above, or regardless of rank who received the Medal of Honor, were prisoners of war, or killed in action. Military Funeral Honors with Funeral escort include the following elements:
    • Casket team (body bearers/pallbearers)
    • Firing party (family can request bullet casings)
    • Bugler
    • Folding and presentation of the U.S. flag
    • Marching element (size varies according to the rank of the deceased)
    • Military band
    • Caisson (Note: The Army has extended the suspension of Caisson Platoon Funeral Operations at Arlington National Cemetery) )
    • Colonels and General Officers may be provided a caparisoned (rider-less) horse, if available
    • General Officers receive a battery cannon salute, if available (17 guns for a four-star general, 15 for a three-star, 13 for a two-star, 11 for a one-star)
  • Spouse and Dependent Honors- Spouses and eligible dependent services include the following:
    • Casket team or body bearers
    • Military chaplain (if requested)

Chaplain - If requested, a military chaplain may be scheduled by the cemetery staff. The family may choose to bring their own minister. Visiting clergy can find more information on the ANC website at https://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Funerals/Funeral-Information/Visiting-Clergy-Guide

Arlington Ladies - An official part of the funeral service, the Arlington Ladies represent and extend sympathy on behalf of the Chief of Staff and their spouse to the next of kin presenting them with a card offering condolences as well as one from the service chief. The Arlington Ladies is composed of volunteers dedicated to ensuring no soldier, sailor or airmen will be buried alone at ANC.

Additional Considerations

  • All visitors 16 years and older must have a valid photo ID

  • Consider wearing comfortable footwear as the terrain may be uneven

  • Additional flags are available for purchase (ask the funeral representative for details)

Headstones and Niche Covers

The U.S. government provides at no cost an upright, white marble headstone or a white marble niche cover. All headstones/niche covers must include the deceased’s name, rank, branch of service, date of birth and date of death. An emblem of belief may be added. An additional inscription, not to exceed three lines (headstone) or two lines (niche cover) may also be added.Funeral precesion through Arlington Cemetery

The next of kin will review the proposed headstone or niche cover text template prior to the date of interment and the template will be finalized with the cemetery staff prior to or on the date of interment. To check the status of a headstone/niche cover order call 1-877-907-8585.

Permanent Family Passes

A permanent family pass is issued to the next of kin at the time of the interment. Additional family passes are available for the parents, spouse, siblings and children of the deceased. Applications for permanent passes are available at the Welcome Center information Desk and the Administration Building or you may download and print the ANC Parking Pass Application.

Member of the Air Force presenting the American Flag

Additional Information

For more information on burial in Arlington National Cemetery and attending a funeral service, visit the ANC web site at:

Establishing Eligibility for burial at Arlington National Cemetery:

Arlington National Cemetery Brochure:

Document Review Date: 20 December 2024