Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)

Air Force Reserve: Active Duty

Benefit Fact Sheet

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The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, and managing prekindergarten through 12th grade educational programs on behalf of the Department of Defense (DoD). 


DoDEA determines the enrollment and eligibility policy. Dependents of Air Force Reserve Service members are not eligible to participate in the DoDEA school systems. However, service members in the AGR program are generally afforded eligibility if they meet the following walking in the hallway at school

For DoDEA Americas, Air Force Reserve Service members on Federal Active Duty are eligible to send their dependents to DoDEA schools if the airman is active on title 10 or title 32 orders for one year or more and living on base housing or on the housing list. In the DoDEA schools on U.S. territories, service members do not have to live on base in order to qualify but do have to be active status on Title 10 or 32 for one year or more consecutively.

For DoDEA Schools: Air Force Reserve Service members are eligible to send dependents on a space available basis if assigned to permanent overseas station and have been given a housing allowance for 180 days or more consecutively.

Additional Information

For more information about the schools, employment, and other topics, please visit the website maintained by the Department of Defense Education Activity:

DoDEA Americas:

DoDEA Europe:

DoDEA Pacific:

Non-DoD School Program (NDSP):

DoDEA Virtual School:

DoDEA AI 1344.01 - Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements for DoDEA Schools:

Document Review Date: 27 November 2024