Benefit Fact Sheet
The General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program provides grants based on need to full-time college undergraduates who are dependent children of active duty, Title 10 Reserve and Guard on extended active duty; Title 32 Guard performing full-time active duty through December 1 of the academic year; retired due to length of active duty service or disability; Retired AGR/Reserve with 20+ satisfactory service years creditable for retired pay and placed on the Air Force or Space Force Reserve Retired List (no other retired classifications are considered eligible); deceased member who died while on active duty or in retired status. Spouses of active duty; Title 10 Reserve and Guard on extended active duty; Title 32 Guard performing full-time active duty through December 1 of the academic year; and surviving spouses of Air Force and Space Force members who died while on active duty or in retired status are also eligible to compete for these grants.
Costs covered under this grant include: Tuition, books, fees, supplies and curriculum-required materials. Room and board are not covered as they are subject to taxation.
Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) education support and tuition assistance is not available to dependents of Air Force Reserve Service members on drill status.
For more information, please visit the Air Force Aid Society website: