Benefit Fact Sheet
The Overseas Housing program enables service members assigned overseas to privately lease housing on the economy. This program is a reimbursement system that takes into consideration the amount service members spend on rent, utilities and associated move-in costs.
Active duty Service members are eligible for Overseas Housing Allowance.
Overseas Housing Allowance Key Facts:
Enables service members to rent comparable housing at an overseas duty-station when on-base or government housing is not available.
Partially offsets the housing costs of living on the local economy by adapting to varied housing conditions.
Reflects what service members are actually paying in housing costs and is adjusted for local currency exchange rates.
Overseas Housing Allowance Components:
Maximum Rental Allowance: A monthly payment designed to help compensate service members for rental expenses at assigned overseas location
Utility/Recurring Maintenance Allowance: Paid monthly to help offset expenses for members who pay utilities, recurring maintenance, and minor repair expenses
Move-in Housing Allowance (MIHA): A one-time payment to all OHA recipients designed to cover average move-in expenses, such as utility installation, at an overseas location.
MIHA Miscellaneous: A one-time payment to all OHA recipients designed to offset average move-in expenses. The amount is based on expenses reported by members on the OHA Move-In Expenses Survey conducted every three years, including purchase of appliances and utility hookup fees
MIHA Rent: A dollar-for-dollar reimbursement for realtor fees
MIHA Security: A dollar-for-dollar reimbursement for security upgrades to a dwelling. Only certain locations are authorized
MIHA Infectious Disease: A dollar-for-dollar reimbursement for infectious disease related upgrades to a dwelling. Only certain locations are authorized.
Rental allowances are computed using actual rental payments reported through the finance system and are designed so that 80% of members with dependents have rental payments fully reimbursed. For other members, Rental allowance may cover the majority of the rental expenses.
The Utility/Recurring Maintenance allowance and MIHA Miscellaneous are determined by surveys. The survey collects data annually to identify how much service members spent in the previous year for utilities and recurring maintenance. The data is then used to determine Utility/Recurring Allowances, as part of the computation of a service member’s OHA. Additionally, every three years a MIHA survey is conducted to identify how much money service members spend on move-in expenses.
Service members can make a difference in the amount of Utility/Recurring Maintenance allowance and MIHA Miscellaneous they receive by keeping accurate expense records and participating in these surveys.
The Defense Travel Management Office website contains OHA locality tables with current rate information:
Required For Submission:
Complete a DD Form 2367, “Individual Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Report,” and submit the completed form with a copy of your lease agreement to the appropriate official for approval. If you qualify for MIHA/Rent, MIHA/Security, or MIHA/Infectious Disease, you must also complete DD Form 2556, “Move-In Housing Allowance Claim.” A new DD Form 2367 must be completed each time your housing information changes.
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA):
OHA Calculator:
DoD Overseas Station and Housing Allowance Process Guide:
OHA Fact Sheet:
DoD Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Vol. 7A, Chapter 26: