Benefit Fact Sheet
Staff at Military and Family Readiness Centers provide assistance, direct services or information and referral regarding a number of requested services to retirees, Active Duty and Reserve Component service members, veterans, and family members.
Retiree services are available to all eligible retirees (regardless of component or pay status), surviving spouses, and family members.
Major program components include:
The Air Force Retiree Activities Program is an official Air Force program funded by appropriated funds that provides a conduit through which members of the Air Force retiree community can receive guidance on accessing their benefits, stay current on Air Force affairs, keep informed on the status of changes to their benefits, maintain contact with other retirees, and provide suggestions for improvements to the same. The Air Force Retiree Activities Program keeps senior Air Force leaders aware of program activities and potential short falls or disconnects that may benefit from modification or change.
Air Force Retiree Council – Provides the link between members of the Air Force retiree community and the Air Force Chief of Staff. It is comprised of two co-chairmen, 15 members representing retirees by geographical areas in the United States and overseas, and members at large who possess the requisite skills or background as a subject matter expert that serve the Council. Retiree Activities Office (RAO) – RAOs are manned by a volunteer director who captures the concerns voiced by the retiree community and provides information to the retiree community to keep retirees informed about programs and information that affect the retiree community. Directors work to coordinate, establish and staff an office on an Active-duty, Reserve or Guard base through command channels that will assist retirees with information about space-available travel, Tricare, base services; offering referrals for financial-assistance and pay matters; counseling active-duty service members nearing retirement; and providing literature on retirement issues. RAOs plan and coordinate Retiree Appreciation Days. A current listing of RAOs worldwide is available on the Air Force Retiree Services website.
Retiree Appreciation Days (RADs) – RADs are conducted by RAOs to keep retired service members and their families informed of rights, benefits, and privileges and to foster goodwill between the retired and active duty communities. Retiree Appreciation Day events may include: flu shots by base medical personnel, briefings by different base agencies on respective services, tax preparation and advice, staff judge advocate assistance, base tours, etc. RADs are typically conducted at least annually by RAOs.
Afterburner – The Air Force Personnel Center publishes the Afterburner, news for retired Air Force personnel, twice per year (as permitted by funding) to disseminate information and to keep retired service members and annuitants in touch with the Air Force and informed of their rights, benefits, and responsibilities. The Afterburner is sent electronically to all retirees and SBP annuitants with a myPay account at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.
One of the oldest traditions of military service is to recognize Airmen and Guardians retiring from a career of long and honorable service. Upon retirement, all service members, regardless of component, are entitled to receive the Air Force Retiring Service member recognition package. The package includes the following:
- Air Force Certificate of Retirement: DD Form 363AF, or Space Force Certificate of Retirement: DD Form 363SPF
- Certificate of Appreciation for service in the U.S. Armed Forces, DD Form 2542
- U.S. Flag
- Air Force Retired Lapel Button
- Presidential Memorial Certificate (for those with at least 30 years of service for pay purposes)
- Certificate of Appreciation for Spouse of Retiring Member, AF Form 1344 or SPF Form 1344 (if applicable)
- Any awards, decorations, honors, or letters of appreciation
- AF Form 4370, CMSAF Certificate of Appreciation, or SPF Form 4370, CMSSF Certificate of Appreciation
- AF Form 4369, CMSAF Certificate of Appreciation (Spouse) or SPF Form 4369, CMSSF Certificate of Appreciation (Spouse) (if appropriate)
Air Force Retiree Services:
Air Force’s Personnel Center:
Air Force Retiree Activities Program, DAFI 36-3106:
Air Force Retiree Council:
National Archives for Military Service Records and Information:
DoD Transition Assistance Program:
DoD Instruction 1332.35, Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for Military Personnel:
Department of the Air Force Instructions 36-3203, Service Retirements: