Benefit Fact Sheet
Special Pay is additional monthly and/or annual pay given to eligible active duty service members who perform certain specific duties, serve in specific geographic locations, occupy specific Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), or are given certain specific assignments.
An Airman or Guardian, who is eligible for basic pay for active duty, in a given month, may also be eligible for special pays if various requirements are satisfied.
A service member entitled to Special Pay, who is hospitalized for a wound or injury incurred as a result of hostile action, or while in the line of duty, incurs a wound, injury or illness in a combat operation or combat zone designated by the Secretary of Defense and is hospitalized outside of the theater for treatment is entitled to receive the Special Pay for 12 months.
Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP): AIP is often paid to service members for unusual or extended assignments. Service members who are involuntarily extended in combat zones receive an additional $800 per month in AIP. Service members with certain skills who voluntarily extend their tours also receive AIP in the amounts of $900 per month for a 12 month extension, $600 per month for a six month extension and $300 per month for a three month extension. Service members with critical intelligence skills with receive up to $1000 a month for each month’s extension.
Service members in other areas locations such as South Korea and Australia are also eligible for AIP.
AIP is capped at $3000 per month and is taxable unless earned in a combat zone.
Aviation Incentive Pay (AVIP) (Officers): AVIP is restricted to regular officers, who hold, or are in training leading to, an aeronautical rating or designation and who engage and remain in aviation services on a career basis. Entitlement to AVIP may be on a continuous or conditional (month-to-month) basis. Monthly payments are based on rank and years of service and range from $150 to $1000 per month.
Diving Duty Pay: A service member who is a rated diver and assigned to a Skill Classification/ Military Occupational Specialty or a position designated as diving duty. Monthly payments are based on the Airman’s diver rating (e.g. SCUBA Diver or Para rescue Diver). Enlisted divers can receive from $110 to $150 per month, while officer divers receive from $150 per month.
Hardship Duty Pay: Hardship duty pay is additional compensation for service members assigned to locations or performing missions where conditions are substantially below conditions in the continental United States.
Hardship Duty Pay for Location Assignment (HDP-L) is payable to service members for either permanent change of duty station or temporary/deployed/attached duty of over 30 days duration in specified locations. HDP-L is payable on a monthly basis in the amount of $50, $100 or $150 depending on the location.
Hardship Duty Pay Mission (HDP-M) is payable to service members for performing designated hardship missions. HDP-M is payable to both officers and enlisted personnel of the active and reserve component, at the full monthly rate of $150 whenever any part of the month is served fulfilling a specific mission. The combined maximum HDP-L and HDP-M payable is $300.00 per month.
Hardship Duty Pay – Restriction of Movement (HDP - ROM) is designed for service members ordered by their command to restriction of movement for self-monitoring due to exposure or suspected exposure to COVID-19. HDP-ROM will be paid at the rate of $100 per day not to exceed $1,500 per month. Effective March 13, 2020, service members ordered by their command:
To restriction of movement for self-monitoring due to exposure or expected exposure or COVID-19; or
To restriction of movement for self-monitoring due to travel to, from or through a Center for Disease Control and Prevention Level 3 Travel Notice country
That are directed to do so at a facility that is neither provided by the U.S. government nor is their personal residence at the service member’s PDS
Are required to pay for the cost of their lodging without full or partial reimbursement.
Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP): Service members under orders to participate in regular and frequent aerial flights as crew or non-crew members may be entitled to flying pay for that duty. Monthly payments for crewmembers vary by rank and range from $150 to $250 for Officers and $150 to $240 for Enlisted. The monthly HDIP for non-crew members is $150 regardless of rank. Officers entitled to aviation incentive pay (AVIP) are not eligible for HDIP.
Hostile Fire/Imminent Danger Pay: Service members subjected to hostile fire or explosion of a hostile mine or on duty in an area in close proximity to a hostile fire incident and in danger of being subjected to the same dangers may be entitled to hostile fire pay (HFP) of $225 per month. HFP is payable in the full amount for each month a service member qualifies. Service members on official duty in a designated imminent danger pay area may be eligible for IDP. IDP is payable on a monthly basis in the amount of $225.
Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP): Special duty pay is for enlisted Service members in jobs that have been designated as extremely difficult or involve an unusual degree of responsibility. Examples of these jobs include parachuting instructors, fuel specialists, and combat controllers. Monthly amounts range from $75 to $450 depending on the Special Duty Assignment designation. The maximum amount of SDAP per month will not exceed $750.
Special Pay for Psychologists and Non-Physician Health Care Providers: In an effort to enhance the professional environment for non-physician provides and to ensure the highest quality of care, the Department of the Air Force provides an incentive pay for Psychologists and Non-Physician Healthcare Care Providers. Eligibility requirements are: have a post-baccalaureate degree; be an Air Force officer designated as a Psychologist or Non-Physician healthcare provider; and certified by a professional board in their clinical specialty. Payment ranges from $2,000 to $5,000 per year, dependent on years of creditable service. Paid monthly.
Special Pay for Dental Officers: In an effort to narrow the gap between Air Force and civilian compensation for Dental professionals, the Department of the Air Force provides additional compensation through five main areas: Accession Bonus, Variable Special Pay, Board Certified Special Pay, Additional Special Pay, and Multiyear Retention Bonus.
Accession Bonus: An individual who executes a written agreement to accept a commission as an officer and dentist in the Air Force to serve on active duty for a period of not less than four years is entitled to an accession bonus of up to $200,000.
Variable Special Pay (VSP): An Officer and dentist in the Air Force on active duty for at least one year is entitled to VSP payments ranges from annual $3,000 to $12,000, paid monthly depending on pay grade and the years of creditable service.
Board Certified Special Pay (BCP): An Officer certified by an American Dental Specialty Examining Board recognized by the American Dental Association or awarded a Board Certification Equivalency Certificate issued by the Department of Defense is entitled to $2,500 to $6,000 per year, paid monthly depending on the years of creditable service.
Additional Special Pay: Dental Officers who receive Variable Special Pay are also eligible for ASP if they complete their internship and initial residency training and agree to serve on active duty for at least one year. ASP is paid annually and ranges from $10,000 to $15,000 based on years of creditable service.
Dental Offices Multiyear Retention Bonus (DOMRB): To attract and retain adequate number of dental officers to meet armed forces' health care needs. Maximum award level is $50,000 a year for a four year agreement. Entitlement pay for dental officers with specialties in oral and maxillofacial surgery, in pay grade below O-7, with at least eight years of creditable service or, have completed their ADSO for dental education and training, and initial residency training.
Special Pay for Medical Officers: An Officer in Air Force Medical Service, who is on active duty under a call or order to active duty for a period of at least one year, is entitled to additional compensation from three main areas: Variable Special Pay, Board Certified Pay, and Incentive Special Pay.
Variable Special Pay (VSP): An Officer in Air Force Medical Service on active duty for a period of not less than one year is entitled to payment ranging from $1,200 to $12,000 a year, paid out monthly depending on pay grade and the years of creditable service.
Board Certified Pay (BCP): An Officer in Air Force Medical Service certified by an American Medical or Osteopathic Specialty Examining Board or a Board Certification Equivalency is entitled to payments ranging from $2,500 to $6,000 per year, paid out monthly depending on the years of creditable service.
Incentive Special Pay (ISP): An Officer in Air Force Medical Service who signs an agreement to remain on active duty for not less than one year may receive an annual bonus up to $75,000 depending on the specialty qualification and whether they receive Multiyear Special Pay.
Additional Special Pay (ASP): An officer entitled to Variable Special Pay who has a current, valid, unrestricted license or approved waiver and who signs an agreement to remain on active duty for not less than one year, is entitled to Additional Special Pay in the amount of $15,000 for each 12-month period which the officer is not in medical internship or initial residency training.
Multiyear Special Pay (MSP): A medical officer who signs a written agreement to remain on active duty for two, three, or four years may be paid an annual retention bonus up to $75,000 depending on the length of active duty contract and the medical officer's specialty.
Accession Bonus: An individual who executes a written agreement to accept a commission as an officer in the Air Force Medical Service to serve on active duty for a period of not less than four years is entitled to an accession bonus of up to $400,000.
For information on other special pay benefits, please visit: