Suicide Prevention Program

Air Force Reserve: Active Duty

Benefit Fact Sheet

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Preventing self-harm among service members is a priority among Department of the Air Force (DAF) leadership. The purpose in the DAF integrated framework is to better equip service members with the tools and resources necessary to effectively assist with help seeking behaviors.

The VETERANS/MILITARY CRISIS LINE is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,  Dial 988 and press #1


Active Duty Service members, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve members, and their dependents who are eligible for treatment in the military health system are eligible for services.

Benefit Highlights

The Department of the Air Force Suicide Prevention Program: The DAF Suicide Prevention Program is an integrated network of policy and education that focuses on reducing suicide through the early identification and treatment of those at risk. It uses leaders as role models and agents of change, establishes expectations for service member behavior regarding awareness of suicide risk develops population skills and knowledge, and investigates every suicide. Each installation includes an Integrated Primary Prevention Workforce that manages the Suicide Prevention Program.

  1. The DAF Suicide Prevention Program utilizes 15 key elements. Leadership Involvement: DAF leaders actively support the entire spectrum of suicide prevention initiatives in the community.
  2. Addressing Suicide Prevention through Professional Military Education (PME): PME provides periodic and targeted Suicide Prevention training for service members, specifically oriented to the individual's rank and level of responsibility.
  3. Guidelines for Commanders: Use of Mental Health Services: Commanders receive training on how and when to use mental health services and guidance on their role in encouraging early help seeking behavior.
  4. Unit-based Preventive Services: Helping-agency professionals partner with unit leaders to provide services at the work site to increase access, encourage help-seeking, and promote familiarity, rapport, and trust with the force and families.
  5. Wingman Culture: Wingmen practice healthy behaviors and make responsible choices and encourage others to do the same. Wingmen foster a culture of early help-seeking. Wingmen recognize the risk factors and warning signs of distress in themselves and others and take protective action.
  6. Investigative Interview Policy: Following any investigative interview, the investigator is required to 'hand-off' the individual directly to the commander, first sergeant, or supervisor. The unit representative is then responsible for assessing the individual's emotional state and contacting a mental health provider if any question about the possibility of suicide exists. 
  7. Post Suicide Response (Postvention): Suicide impacts coworkers, families, and friends. Offering support early is associated with increased help-seeking behavior.  
  8. Community Action Board (CAB) and Community Action Team (CAT): At the Air and Space Forces, major and field commands (MAJCOM/FLDCOM), and base levels, the CAB and CAT provide a forum for the cross-organizational review and resolution of individual, family, installation, and community issues that impact the force readiness and the quality of life.
  9. Limited Privilege Suicide Prevention Program: Patients undergoing legal action who are at risk for suicide are afforded increased confidentiality when seen by mental health providers. 
  10. Commanders Consultation Assessment Tool: Commanders use a variety of assessments (e.g., Unit Climate Assessment, Air Force Community Assessment Survey, Airman Comprehensive Assessment) recommended by appropriate agencies, to gain insight into unit strengths and areas of vulnerability. 
  11. Suicide Event Tracking and Analysis: Information on all DAF suicides and suicide attempts are entered into a central database, the Department of Defense Suicide Event Report (DoDSER), to identify suicide risk factors and trends.
  12. Time-Based Prevention (TBP)/Lethal Means Safety (LMS): Time Based Prevention is an intentional approach to suicide prevention focusing on the “means” (rather than the “why”) most often involved in suicides by DAF personnel and personal firearms. Lethal means are objects (e.g., firearms, medications, and bridges) used to carry out a self-destructive act. LMS makes a suicide method more difficult and slower to access when someone is at risk for suicide. TBP/LMS is covered by three components: Communication and Marketing, Education and Training and Physical Barriers.
  13. Family Member Engagement: Family members are key allies in resilience and prevention. CABs and CATs should examine opportunities to increase family member engagement in resilience and prevention activities during biennial Community Action Plan (CAP) development.
  14. Self-Assessment, Inspection and Evaluation: DAF self-assess program management and compliance on a bi-annual reporting basis (field surveys, etc).
  15. Suicide Analysis and Action Boards (SABs): SABs bring together Air and Space Force leaders and subject matter experts to review suicide prevention and death data and analyses to improve prevention and postvention policies and procedures. SABs provide an opportunity to identify potential gaps, raise lessons learned, and drive suicide prevention activities. SABs provide a continuous improvement function for all prevention activities included in major commands (MAJCOM)/Field Command and installation CAPs.

Everyone experiences personal and professional challenges at times in their life, including service members and their families. More often than not, these challenges can be overcome and resolved long before they escalate into serious problems. These tools assist Leaders at all levels to identify challenges and prevent problems before they start.

Mental Health Clinic (MHC): The MHC resources can be accessed by contacting your local Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT): Mental Health Clinics have outpatient talk therapy opportunities, psychiatry medication management, and psychological testing. Additionally, substance use evaluations and treatments are also available through Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT).

Spectrum of Resilience: One of our greatest sources of strength to meet the unique challenges of military life comes from our connection with others across a Spectrum of Resilience. Ourselves, our family and friends, our peers and social networks, as well as support agencies and clinical/medical health professionals all influence and contribute to our personal resilience.

Director of Psychological Health (DPH): The DPH can provide short-term counseling with a service member, with couples or with families.

Military and Family Life Counseling (MFLC): The MFLC Program supports service members, their families and survivors with non-medical counseling worldwide.

Military One Source: A Department of Defense program designed to help active duty, National Guard, and Reserve members and their families cope with the rigors of military life. The program offers numerous resources including counseling, advice, and other free assistance to qualifying service members and families on a confidential basis.

Chaplain: The Chaplain provides confidential counseling and advises commanders on religious, spiritual and moral matters

Military Crisis Hotline: A confidential resource for all service members experiencing a crisis, heightened emotions, or who just need someone to talk.

The phone number 988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (now known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline) and is now active across the United States.

For military members and veterans, they simply need to press #1 after dialing 988. 988 also includes text and chat capabilities.

Veterans Administration (VA): The VA provides immediate crisis support and connection via phone or chat. Additional resources can be found via the National Resource Directory to include group counseling.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA offers a Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.

Family Advocacy Program (FAP): The FAP provides a variety of services to service members and families to enhance their relationship skills and improve their quality of life.

Sexual violence or harassment related issue support can be accessed through your installation SAPR office.

Suicide Prevention Tools:

Many service members experience personal and professional challenges. More often than not, these challenges can be overcome and resolved long before they escalate into serious problems. For more information about risk factors and warning signs for suicide and additional resources, visit

ACE: Ask, Care, Escort:

You can help your teammate more effectively if you know what is going on. Be willing to ask about possible thoughts of wanting to die by suicide. It will help you ACE Suicide Preventionknow what type of help they may need. Use the Ask, Care, and Escort Model (ACE) for discussing suicide.

Ask your teammate directly about what is going on. This will help you determine what needs to be done next. Ask about issues early rather than waiting for things to escalate to the point of crisis. Take all comments about suicide seriously. Be an active listener and let your teammate tell you about their challenges. Although it can be awkward, it is important to ask the tough questions about whether or not your teammate is thinking about harming or killing themself. If the answer is yes, or if you even suspect that the answer is yes, do not leave that person alone.

Care for your teammate by calmly listening and expressing concern. Do not be judgmental or promise secrecy. If your teammate is having thoughts of suicide, you need to act. Remove any potential implements of self-harm and immediately seek help.

Escort your teammate immediately to the nearest emergency room, Mental Health Clinic, chaplain, or primary care clinic, and contact the supervisor or chain of command. If a distressed service member refuses help or you are not sure what to do, call your supervisor or 911 for help. Never leave a teammate who is having thoughts of suicide alone, even to go to the bathroom.

Additional Information

Air Force Resilience:

Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6490.16, Defense Suicide Prevention Program:

Department of the Air Force Instruction 90-5001, Integrated Resilience:

U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, The U.S. Air Force Suicide Prevention Program: Implications for Public Health Policy:

Document Review Date: 25 November 2024