Benefit Fact Sheet
When leaving active duty, service members may be entitled to or eligible for benefits offered by TRICARE and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), depending on whether the service member retires or separates. If retiring, the service member is eligible for TRICARE as a military retiree and may also be eligible for certain VA benefits. Service members who separate due to a service-connected disease or disability may be eligible for VA benefits and certain TRICARE benefits.
DFAS will provide IRS Form 1095-C to all U.S. military members, and IRS Form 1095-B to all retirees, annuitants, former spouses and all other individuals having TRICARE coverage during all or any portion of tax year 2024. An IRS Form 1095 documents you (and your family members, if applicable) have the minimum essential coverage. These forms will document the information that DFAS will provide to the IRS on yourself and your authorized family members. According to the IRS, these forms are not required to prepare or file income tax returns but will be available via myPay no later than 31 January 2025.
Retired Air National Guard Service member may be eligible for both TRICARE and VA benefits. This means that health care may be covered by TRICARE and/or VA benefits. For most health care needs, TRICARE may be the main source of coverage. Most VA facilities are TRICARE network providers.
Note: If retiring from the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve, the service member will become eligible for TRICARE retiree health care benefits when you reach age 60 and are drawing retirement pay.
If eligible, TRICARE provides coverage even if treatment is received through VA for the same medical condition in a previous episode of care. However, TRICARE will not duplicate payments made by VA or authorized to be made by VA. The rules and costs of whichever benefit is used will apply.
VA Health Care Benefits
Retired Service members may qualify for VA health care benefits if they served on active military service, were discharged, or released under conditions other than dishonorable and meet length of service requirements.
The TRICARE representative at the service member’s local VA facility can offer more information about using a VA TRICARE network provider. Copayments, cost-shares, and deductibles may apply.
Click here for TRICARE and VA benefit comparison.
For more information on VA Benefits for Veterans, please visit:
For information on TRICARE Retirement Benefits, please visit:
TRICARE DEERS Information: