Benefit Fact Sheet
The goal of the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is to provide information, counseling and training to ensure service members and their spouses are prepared for the next step in civilian life; whether pursuing additional education, finding a career or starting their own business. Support for TAP is provided by the Wing Military and Family Readiness Program Manager or local installation Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) staff.
The Transition Assistance Program assistance may be made available for service members serving in Title 32 status as resources and capacity allow and subject to the discretion of the responsible commander. Service members in Title 32 status may utilize the virtual curriculum at any time. Completion of the electronic DD Form 2648 (e-form) is not required.
For service members separating or retiring Transition Assistance Program (TAP) begins no later than 365 days prior to transition. It is recommended retirees begin the transition process at least two years prior to retirement. In the event of an unanticipated separation or retirement, or a member of the Reserve Component is demobilized with less than 365 days, TAP must begin as soon as possible within the remaining period of service.
Overview of the TAP program:
Individualized initial counseling
Individualized Initial Counseling (IC) between the service member and a TAP counselor is the official start to the transition process. Service members complete a personal self-assessment and begin the development of their Individual Transition Plan (ITP) to identify their unique needs and post-transition goals. Service members are required to provide a copy of their Community College of the Air Force transcripts (if applicable) and a copy of their Verification of Military Education and Training (VMET). The TAP counselor assesses all provided information to determine the members’ level of preparedness and assigns the required counseling and services based on the member’s needs.
Pre-separation counseling
Pre-separation counseling must begin no later than 365 days prior to transition and covers by-law information including benefits, entitlements, and resources for eligible transitioning service members. Caregivers and spouses are encouraged to attend pre-separation counseling with their service member.
Department of Defense (DoD) Transition Day
DoD Transition Day is mandatory for all transitioning service members and covers the following topics:
Managing Your Transition: Emphasizes the importance of preparing for your transition from military service into the civilian sector and provides an overview of the TAP curriculum
Military Occupational Code Crosswalk: Defines and translates military skills, training, and experience into credentialing appropriate for civilian jobs
Financial Planning: Helps service members understand how transition will impact their financial situation and provides the tools and resources for a successful financial transition
VA Benefits and Services
Led by VA Benefits Advisors, this mandatory course helps people understand how to navigate VA and the benefits and services they have earned through their military career. The course offers interactive exercises, real examples, and covers topics such as family support, disability compensation, education, and health care benefits.
Department of Labor
The Department of Labor (DOL) provides a mandatory one-day course on preparation for employment (Some exemptions apply)
Two-Day Tracks
Transitioning service members may be required to attend a track, depending on their level of transition preparedness. They may attend more than one based on their ITP and post-transition goals. These include the: DOL Employment Track, DOL Vocational Track, DoD Education Track, and the Small Business Administration Entrepreneurship Track. -
Capstone is the culminating event where commanders verify a member’s TAP compliance, achievement of career readiness standards, and ensures the member has a viable ITP. Capstone validates transition preparedness and should be completed no earlier than 12 months and no later than 90 days before separation or release from active duty.
Air Force’s Personnel Center
Department of Veterans Affairs
Transition Assistance Program Events
DODI1332.35_AFI36-3037, Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for Military Personnel
DoD Instructions 1332.35, Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for Military Personnel