Unemployment Compensation

Air National Guard: Drilling

Benefit Fact Sheet

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When a service member is separated from active duty either because of completion of tour of duty, enlistment contract, disability retirement, as a result of the Selective Early Retirement Board, or regular retirement, and has not been unfavorably discharged, they may be eligible for unemployment compensation. Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members (UCX) is a program mandated by federal law but administered by state governments. The Department of Labor's (DOL) Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs provide unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own, and meet certain other eligibility requirements, such as able to work, available for suitable full-time work, and be seeking work.


Drilling members of the Air National Guard are not normally eligible for Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members. If recently released from active duty due to completion of mobilization tour or other active duty tour, they may file a claim for unemployment compensation the day after the date on line 12b of the DD214. Criteria for eligibility to be paid unemployment compensation include reason of separation, characterization of service, and other eligibility requirements such as able to work, available for suitable full-time work, and be seeking work. Members of the Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard must have completed 180 days of continuous active duty service to be eligible for Unemployment Compensation.

Benefit Highlights

The Department of Labor's Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members program provides unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own, and meet certain other eligibility requirements. The program

F15 flying

is administered by each state, which may have unique requirements. Upon determination of eligibility, a weekly benefit amount is designated (up to the state's maximum) and then distributed weekly based upon meeting the eligibility requirements for that week, e.g., physically able to work, available to work, actively looking for work, etc. Claims cannot be filed until the day after the date on line 12b of the DD214. Certain other criteria apply with regard to reason of separation and characterization of service to determine eligibility for Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members.

In many states, receipt of military retired pay from the branch of service (including in some instances military disability pay) is prorated to a weekly amount and subtracted from unemployment benefits that the retired service member receives.  Service members are advised to directly contact the state agency responsible for unemployment to understand state specific eligibility criteria, Unemployment Compensation requirements and benefit amount determination, and obtain answers to questions.

Additional Information

For more information, please visit the State Fact sheet for Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members information for the state where you reside:

US State / Territory Benefits Map Wyoming West Virginia Vermont Utah Texas U.S. Virgin Islands Guam Tennessee South Dakota South Carolina Rhode Island Pennsylvania Oregon Oklahoma Ohio North Dakota North Carolina New York New Mexico New Jersey Nevada Nebraska Montana Missouri Mississippi Minnesota Michigan Michigan Massachusetts Maryland Maine Louisiana Kentucky Kansas Iowa Indiana Illinois Idaho Hawaii Georgia Florida District of Columbia Delaware Connecticut Puerto Rico Colorado California Arkansas Arizona Alaska Alabama Washington Virginia New Hampshire Wisconsin

Department of Labor's Career One Stop:

Find each state or US territory unemployment benefits office, contacts, claim filing information:

Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members (UCX):

Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) fact sheet:

Document Review Date: 19 November 2024