Benefit Fact Sheet
There are numerous steps in an Overseas Permanent Change of Station (PCS) process. Through various agencies the Department of Air Force provides guidance and counseling to assist service members and their families in making the best choices.
Air National Guard Service members on Active duty Under Title 10 USC are authorized government funded PCS moves if on AGR status.
Please note: Coordination must occur with the U.S. State Department if stationed at a U.S. Embassy. As a result, available benefits may vary.
An Overseas PCS, much like everything else in the Military, is a process. There are various agencies in place to help with any questions or concerns you may have during any stage of your move.
1) Notification of Move: Most PCS orders, DAF Form 899, Request and Authorization for Permanent Change of Station – Military, are produced in the Virtual Out-Processing Application (vOP).
Normal Orders Processing- The Military Personnel Section (MPS) can begin drafting PCS orders in vOP at any time after the assignment notification is received and acknowledged by the Airman. The MPS vOP Technician/Approving Official submits orders for authentication not later than 60 days prior to departure per Department of the Air Force Manual 36-2102, Base-Level Relocation Procedures. The orders are then sent to Air Force Personnel Center's (AFPC) Total Force Service Center (TFSC) Assignments Section via vOP for authentication. AFPC TFSC Assignments Section authenticate orders by the Projected Departure Date, or (PDD), in vOP. Orders will be authenticated no earlier than 120 days prior to the PDD unless an exception to policy is approved by AFPC Military Assignments Programs Branch.
Exceptions to Policy- Exception to policy reasons may be to obtain diplomatic or official passports, requiring dependents to obtain a VISA, per Foreign Clearance Guide or short notice assignments, in accordance with DAFI 36-2110. All exception to policy requests must be submitted by the Airman through myFSS; select PCS Order Exception Waiver.
Expedited Orders Request- Exception to policy reasons may be to obtain diplomatic or official passports, requiring dependents to obtain a VISA, per Foreign Clearance Guide or short notice assignments, in accordance with DAFI 36-2110. All exception to policy requests must be submitted by the Airman through myFSS; select PCS Order Exception Waiver.
2) Briefing: The briefing provides guidance and information to Airmen and Guardians during the reassignment process. Individual bases differ in meeting this requirement with some moving to on-line learning while others require classroom instruction. Contact your Personnel Section for the requirements at your duty station. At that time you will make the following decisions:
Permissive TDY (PTDY): PTDY is not authorized for Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) destinations
Leave: Submit an DAF 988, Leave Request/ Authorization, if you wish to take leave in conjunction with a PCS
To apply for Government or community housing, use DD Form 1746 (Application for Assignment to Housing). Report the approval of on post housing with a DD Form 1746. Failure to do so will result in the Service Member being charged leave.
Command Sponsorship Program: If taking your family to your overseas assignment, you must apply for Command Sponsorship. Your family members need to have a medical screening completed to make sure your gaining installation has medical facilities available to accommodate your family’s medical needs.
Retainability (if applicable): If you need retainability for the assignment, you will provide a Retainability Memorandum to the MPF/Reenlistment and Extension Section. The retainability must be completed within 30 days of receiving your initial assignment notification. Failure to complete the retainability in the required timeline could result in cancellation of assignment.
Advance Basic Pay - Advance Basic Pay is similar to an interest-free loan for a PCS with military salary as collateral. Repayment is normally made in 12 equal installments beginning the month after it is drawn. Request using DD Form 2560.
Advance Travel Pay - All requests must be made through Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) by emailing: Include a copy of your PCS orders and all amendments along with DFAS Form 9114.
3) Family Travel Requirements - Orders authorizing Family travel will not be issued until this step is complete.
As soon as an Active Duty sponsor is identified for a potential PCS, the Family Member Relocation Clearance (FMRC) process begins.
If the sponsor is not previously Q-coded, it begins with AF Form 4380, Special Needs Screener
If the sponsor is Q-coded, or if the proposed travel is for accompanied relocation to an OCONUS site, the sponsor must complete AF Form 1466 to initiate the FMRC process
If there are needs identified, or if travel is projected to an OCONUS location, the sponsor must first complete AF Form 1466 specifying which family members are requesting travel and what medical and/or educational concerns are already known
The MTF will conduct family member interviews and review records and data for all family members requesting travel
Depending on the nature of the identified needs and the projected location, several different medical, educational and community resources may be consulted to ensure all needs can be met prior to travel.
AF Form 1466D, Dental Health Summary, DD Form 2792 , Family Member Medical Summary, and/or DD Form 2792-1 , Special Education/Early Intervention Summary, may also be requested for each family member planning to travel, regardless of prior enrollment in Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
These forms must be completed by qualified medical and education personnel
Using these forms, the gaining facility can review current medical and educational needs of family members to determine if they meet EFMP criteria, and to determine if relocation to the projected location is safe, appropriate, and recommended.
Once the appropriate review authorities have been consulted, the losing base Family Member Relocation Clearance Coordinator (FMRCC) documents the recommendations and advises the family further
If travel is recommended, orders are issued; if travel is not recommended, additional steps are taken to determine if the sponsor wishes to go unaccompanied or to request a different assignment
Sponsors are strongly cautioned against taking family members at their own expense to locations where medical or educational services are inadequate to support known needs because of the potential for financial hardships, excessive travel distances, language barriers, etc.
Note: If sponsors have questions regarding the process, please contact the AFPC Total Force Service Center at DSN: 665-0102 / COMM: 210-565-0102; Toll-free: 800-525-0102
4) Orders - To proceed with arranging your move you will need an approved set of orders.
5) Sponsor Request - A sponsor is someone — ideally from your unit — who will help arrange a time and place to pick you up and show you around. To obtain a sponsor before arriving at your next duty station, go to the MPS to fill out request paperwork at least 90 days in advance of departure. If you are on a short notice PCS, contact your gaining squadron and ask for the Unit Program Coordinator or the Squadron's Command Section, who will assign you a sponsor. If you are unable to obtain a sponsor through these channels, contact the Relocation Assistance Program Manager at your Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) for sponsorship information. If you arrive without a sponsor, contact your squadron upon arrival during duty hours.
Note: M&FRC contact information can be found using the Resource Locator for your new installation.
6) Passports – This appointment can be made only after your family has been cleared for travel and your PCS orders or amendments approve dependent travel. No-fee passports are used for official travel and not the same as tourist passports. For information on tourist passports see the U.S. Department of State website.
Bring the following to your appointment:
A copy of your orders approving dependent travel
2 passport photos for each applicant that meet Department of State requirement. No military uniform, headgear or glasses
Proof of U.S. Citizenship for each person
Military ID/CAC
Do not purchase tickets until you have made your official travel arrangements with port call.
7) Moving Services and Transportation - Moving services can be arranged using MilitaryOneSource using the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) or in person at your local Traffic Management Office (TMO).
You cannot use DPS if…
This is your first personal property move
This is your last personal property move (you are separating or retiring)
You are storing or moving personal property AND you have contingency or deployment orders
You are storing or moving personal property AND moving your family to an overseas location
You are not the property owner AND you are using a Power of Attorney
You are moving personal property as “next of kin” or Summary Courts Officer
Provide the following at time of counseling:
Two complete sets of orders/authorization including amendments/for each type of shipment planned (e.g., Household Goods (HHG), Non-Temporary Storage (NTS), Unaccompanied Baggage (UB))
An idea of when you want to move and an estimated weight. Be as flexible as possible when selecting HHG pack and pickup dates. Your preferred dates may not be available during some periods such as summer or days near official holidays. Avoid scheduling lease termination or house sale closing on the same date your HHG are to be packed, picked up, or delivered. Leave some time in your schedule for the unforeseen. You or your designated representative must be available between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm local time on pack, pickup, and delivery dates
The date you plan to arrive at your new duty station. Your arrival date assists your Transportation Service Provider (TSP) and/or local TMO with scheduling delivery of your shipment(s), which may reduce storage costs paid by the Government
Type of shipment you want to make (HHG, UB and or NTS) and the estimated weight. Do not forget to declare Professional Books, Papers, and Equipment / Professional Gear (PBP&E/Pro-Gear)
Information on excess cost. The minimum excess cost is approximately $100.00 per hundred pounds over the maximum weight allowance
A list of large or unusual items (e.g., large screen TV [i.e., plasma, LCD, DLP], piano, pool table, china cabinet, wall unit, satellite dish, hot tub, boat, motorcycle, recreational vehicle)
A letter of authorization signed by you or a Power of Attorney; required if you are unable to visit the TMO. You may appoint your spouse or an agent to act on your behalf. Be sure the person you choose knows what you want and has the information to make the right arrangements. Remember, this person is acting for you, and you are responsible for that person's decisions.
Non-Temporary Storage (NTS)
You have an option for NTS, long-term storage – These are items you do not want to take with you (e.g., power tools, boats, washers and dryers, or larger furniture items that you know you will not have room for in your overseas home). These are stored at government expense for the duration of tour.
Weight Allowance
Moving allowance is based on the Service members rank, dependency status, and if the move is Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) or in the Continental United States (CONUS). Overages are the Service members financial responsibility. For up to date information regarding household goodsweight allowanceuse the weight estimator calculator.
Professional Books, Papers, and Equipment / Professional Gear (PBP&E /Pro-Gear) Allowance
PBP&E/Pro-Gear allowances have changed for members whose travel orders are issued 1 May 2014 and later. The new allowances limit PBP&E/Pro-Gear to 2,000 pounds net weight and no longer include personal computers and accompanying equipment, and/or awards presented for significant contributions while performing official duties.
PBP&E/Pro-Gear is defined as:
HHG in a member’s possession needed for the performance of official duties at the next or a later destination
If you have PBP&E/Pro-Gear to declare, you must do so in DPS
If your estimated and declared PBP&E/Pro-Gear weighs 1,000 pounds or less, there will be no additional approval or review of your declared Pro-Gear and it may be included and packed with the rest of your HHG
If your estimated and declared PBP&E/Pro-Gear weighs more than 1,000 pounds, your Service may review your declaration and items at their discretion outside of DPS
When PBP&E/Pro-Gear is properly declared in DPS, the weight of PBP&E/Pro-Gear does not count against the total weight of your shipment(s). Before signing your inventory prepared by the TSP(s), be sure these items are declared as “PBP&E/Pro-Gear”. The proper designation of these items and the exclusion of the weight can be very important
The following items are considered PBP&E/Pro-Gear:
Reference material not ordinarily available at the next Permanent Duty Station (PDS)
Instruments, tools, and equipment peculiar to technicians, mechanics, and members of the professions
Specialized clothing such as diving suits, astronaut’s suits, flying suits and helmets, band uniforms, chaplain’s vestments, and other specialized apparel not normal or usual uniform or clothing
Communications equipment used by a member in association with the Military Affiliated Radio System
Individually owned or specially issued field clothing and equipment
Government or uniformed service-owned accountable Organizational Clothing and Individual Clothing property issued to the employee or member by the Service/DoD component for official use.
Excluded from PBP&E/Pro-Gear are:
Commercial products for sale/resale used in conducting business
Sports equipment
Office furniture
Household furniture
Shop fixtures
Furniture of any kind even though used in connection with the PBP&E (e.g., bookcases, study/computer desks, file cabinets, and racks)
Personal computer equipment and peripheral devices
Memorabilia, including awards, plaques, or other objects presented for past performance (includes any type of going-away gifts, office decorations, pictures, etc.)
Table service, including flatware (including serving pieces), dishes (including serving pieces, salvers, and their heating units), other utensils, and glassware
Other items of a professional nature that are not necessary at the next/subsequent PDS, such as textbooks from previous schools unrelated to future duties; personal books, even if used as part of a past professional reading program or course of instruction; and reference material that ordinarily would be available at the next/subsequent PDS either in hard copy or available on the Internet.
What to expect from your Transportation Service Provider (TSP)
TSP’s Responsibilities (at Origin):
Conduct Pre-Move Survey (physical or telephonic) depending on the type of shipment and estimated weight. It should be conducted prior to the first day of packing
Begin packing/pickup between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
Protect appliances against damage while in transit. The TSP secures moving parts that, if allowed to move in transit, could damage the appliance
Use new, clean packing materials for linen, clothing, and bedding
Use new or like-new packing materials for all other items. Excelsior or newspaper is not allowed. Items packed in boxes should be padded and insulated from carton walls
Pack mirrors, pictures, and glass tabletops in specially designed cartons
Wrap and protect all finished surfaces from marring or scratching; use furniture pads
Properly roll and protect rug and rug pads at residence. Only small throw rugs may be folded
Pack all designated PBP&E in separate boxes. These cartons must be marked “PBP&E/Pro Gear”, weighed separately, and listed on the inventory form
Put all nuts, bolts, and screws from a disassembled item in a bag and attach securely to the item
Mark each carton to show general contents
Prepare an accurate and legible inventory
Obtain approval from the TMO prior to loading on the tailgate of the moving van
Remove all excess packing material from your residence
TSP’s Responsibilities (at Destination):
Begin delivery between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
Perform a one-time placement of rugs prior to placement of your HHG
Unpack and unwrap all cartons, boxes, and crates
Place each item or carton in the room you indicate. This one-time placement includes placing unpacked articles in cabinets, cupboards, or on kitchen shelves when convenient, safe, and it is your desired location. Have placement planned out before the TSP arrives. TSPs are required to place each item only once
Assemble all furniture and equipment if disassembled at origin
Remove packing and blocking from appliances. The TSP is not required to connect appliances to electric, gas, or water outlets
Provide a “Joint” written record of any loss and or damage at delivery on DD Form 1842 or on the “Defense Personal Property Program Notification of Loss or Damage at Delivery” Form. You and or your designated representative along with the delivery TSP sign this form. The TSP’s representative must provide a copy of this form
TSPs are not required to go into an attic, crawl space, or similar storage area for the purpose of delivering and placing personal property
Once the shipment has been delivered, the TSP is not required to deliver property to a self-storage facility.
NOTE: It is not advisable to waive unpacking at any time during the delivery. However, if unpacking is waived, the TSP is not required to return later to unpack or remove debris.
8) Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) - There are only 2 options covered by the military. Your orders will indicate which option you are authorized. You will be authorized to EITHER store your vehicle or ship your vehicle.
You may ship your POV to your overseas location:
ONE POV per family may be shipped if it is authorized on your orders
You must get this POV to the Port Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). There are 10 locations in the United States and your installation will have guidance on which VPC you are authorized to use. For more information see Defense Transportation Regulation - Part IV, Attachment K3, Shipping Your POV. Your expenses for bringing your vehicle to the port will be reimbursed.
Note: If your POV is leased or a recorded lien exists you must provide written approval from the leasing company or lien-holder stating the vehicle may be exported. This written approval must be on the leasing company or lien-holder's letterhead paper, and contain a complete description of the vehicle, including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), the name of the owner or lien-holder of the leased vehicle, and the telephone numbers at which the owner or lien-holder may be contacted.
You may store your POV:
If you are authorized to ship a POV, you are NOT authorized to store your POV
It must be stored at a commercial facility or VPS.
For additional information see the Defense Transportation Regulation- Part IV, Attachment K3, Shipping Your POV or contact your local TMO.
9) Booking Travel
Airline Flights - All travel arrangements must be made through the Contract Travel Office (CTO) at your losing duty station. Assignment orders tell you when/where to fly. Travel can start as of “Availability Date” from the “Port of Debarkation” (departure airport) to the “Port of Embarkation” (arrival airport).
For the Air Force to pay for travel, flights must be booked via the CTO on a U.S. Flag Carrier, as required by the Fly America Act, and orders must indicate either:
Individually Billed Account (IBA) - With an IBA, Service members will use a government travel credit card (GTCC) to pay for flights made at the CTO. Airman will then claim reimbursement by filling out a travel voucher during in-processing at your new duty station.
Centrally Billed Account (CBA) - With a CBA, the CTO is responsible for paying for the airfare. The CTO charges the cost of airfare and is reimbursed after submitting a claim.
NOTE: CTO can book flights to/from alternate ports, but you must pay any costs above your travel entitlement.
Temporary Lodging
Accommodations vary by location. For the widest array of options make reservations for temporary lodging prior to your arrival. Some hotels accept reservations 180 days or more in advance. For lodging information at your new location consult the Resource Locator.
10) Housing - The housing options that are available when relocating:
Government owned Military Housing: Property is owned, managed and maintained by the Department of Defense (DoD). Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is forfeited to cover the cost of rent, maintenance and utilities. Use the Resource Locator for housing information at your destination.
Privatized Military Housing: (Alaska and Hawaii) Property is managed and maintained by a private entity. BAH is paid, typically by allotment, to cover the cost of rent, maintenance and some utilities. Use the Resource Locator for housing information at your destination.
Rental Property: The DoD provides which is designed to connect Service members and their families with community housing rental listings located near U.S. military bases. Remember to ensure your lease contract incorporates the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), an additional protection to military members. For additional protection have the lease reviewed by the housing office.
Purchase a Home: (Alaska and Hawaii) Service members may also choose to purchase a home. See the DoD Homeowner Assistance Program and VA Home Loans Fact Sheets for purchase information.
Unaccompanied Housing (UH): On most overseas Air Force installations, UH is provided for unaccompanied Airmen and Guardians in the ranks of E-1 to E-3, and E-4 with less than 3 years of service, and for designated in-residence pipeline and technical training students. Each Airman or Guardian is provided a private sleeping room, furnishings, bed linens, and supplies required for comfortable living. At certain overseas locations, UH may be available and/or required for other categories of personnel, based on specific policies, procedures, and mission needs. Each installation may also have additional base-specific policies and procedures for UH management. For more information use the Resource Locator to find your installation and call the Housing office at your new installation.
Government Loaner Furniture – Selection, availability and length of loan period varies by location. For specific information on furniture and appliances available at your installation contact the Housing Office.
11) Claims - Unfortunately, you may suffer loss or damage to your personal property during movement. If your property is lost or damaged, you have the right to file a claim directly with the TSP.
To file a claim log on to DPS, from the welcome screen locate your shipment and click on the “File a Claim” link. To create a claim, click on the “Start My Claim” button. On the Claim page, click on the icon in the BOL/GBL Number field. DPS will present a pop-up window with a list of shipments. Select a listed shipment in the pop-up window, click the “Pick” button and then confirm by clicking the “Ok” button.
If a claim is filed directly with the TSP within nine months of delivery, then the TSP’s maximum liability on each domestic HHG is:
$5,000 per shipment or
$4.00 times the net weight of the HHG shipment, or gross weight of the UB shipment, in pounds, not to exceed $50,000, whichever is greater.
For direct claims settlement between member and TSP:
Claims must be filed through DPS
Claims must be filed with the TSP first to maintain full replacement value (FRV) eligibility.
A member has the option to transfer the claim to the military claims service after 30 days. In these instances, the military claims service pays the member depreciated value and then pursues the FRV claim with the TSP. After settlement with the TSP, if the FRV settlement exceeds the amount paid by the military claims Service to the member, the member receives the difference.
Accepting a Claim Offer
To accept a claim offer log on to DPS and click the “Claim History” button. Then click the “View My Claim” link. Within the “All Claims” section, locate your claim number and click on it. Now click on the item that you are wishing to accept and click the “Accept Offer” button. Be sure to confirm if you want to accept the offer.
12) Monetary Allowances and Subsidies
Transferring your Professional License Overseas: In some occupations, your state-issued license - no matter where it is from - is valid for government and contracting jobs. To learn more about transferring certifications overseas, check with that installation's hiring authority.
Travel Voucher
For a detailed guide on how to complete the DD Form 1351-2 click here.
SmartVoucher can be used to make filling in your DD Form 1351-2 easier. Sending in vouchers that are legible, correct and include all the necessary information and documents is the first step in getting your travel claim paid promptly. After you have sent your voucher, check your claim status online at:
Documents to include when claiming entitlements:
DD Form 1351-2 voucher
Complete set of orders and all amendments
Receipts showing the following:
Company name
Date item/service was provided
Cost of item/service
Taxes shown as a separate item on receipt
Proof of payment (marked “paid” or amount due $0.00)
Dislocation Allowance (DLA)
The purpose of DLA is to partially reimburse a member for the expenses incurred in relocating the household on a PCS, ordered for the Government's convenience, or incident to an evacuation. This may be paid in advance. For current rates see the Defense Travel Management Website.
Monetary Allowance in Lieu of Transportation (MALT)
MALT is used as mileage reimbursement for Service members and their dependents during a PCS move. When a member and dependents relocate on a Service member’s PCS move, MALT reimbursement is authorized for two privately-owned conveyances (POCs), if used. MALT is paid on a per mile basis for the official distance of each portion of the travel. The MALT Rate per authorized POC is $.22/mile for PCS travel beginning on or after 1 July 2022.
Overseas Cost of Living Allowances (COLA)
The Overseas Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) is a non-taxable allowance designed to offset the higher overseas prices of non-housing goods and services. It affects approximately 250,000 Service members at 600 locations overseas, including Alaska and Hawaii. Use the Overseas COLA Calculator for current information on your location.
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)
The Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) enables military members assigned overseas to privately lease housing on the economy. This program encompasses a reimbursement system designed to partially defray housing costs when on-base or government leased housing is not available. OHA rates are compiled by country and are updated based on new cost data and currency fluctuations. For current rates see the OHA Calculator.
Per Diem
Per Diem is used to reimburse Service members for travel expenses. Rates are set each fiscal year and determined based on location. There are three components to this allotment: lodging, meals and incidentals.
For information on Per Diem rates at your location use the Per Diem Calculator.
Conditions |
12 Years of Age and Older |
Less Than 12 Years of Age |
Dependent Travels with the Service Member |
Per diem is calculated at 75% of the per diem the Service member receives for direct travel between the old and new PDS and authorized delay points |
Per diem is calculated at 50% of the per diem the Service member receives for direct travel between the old and new PDS and authorized delay points |
Dependent Travels Separately from the Service Member |
100% of what the Service member would have received |
Two or More Dependents Travel Separately from the Service Member |
Per diem is calculated at 100% for the first dependent and 75% for each of the remaining dependents traveling with the first dependent |
Per diem is calculated at 50% for each dependent traveling with the first dependent for direct travel between the old and new PDS |
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)
TLA may be authorized to partially reimburse a Service member for temporary subsistence expenses incurred OCONUS (Foreign or Non-Foreign). The appropriate OCONUS TLA Authority may authorize TLA up to 60 days upon arrival at the OCONUS PDS or up to 10 days prior to departure from the OCONUS PDS. Additional TLA may be authorized when necessary, i.e., when in the Government’s interest and never for personal convenience.
Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE)
TLE is an allowance intended to partially pay members for lodging/meal expenses incurred by a member/dependent(s) while occupying temporary lodging at a CONUS location in association with a PCS move.
TLE is only authorized in the vicinity of the old/new PDS; it is not authorized for house hunting.
TLE Reimbursement is limited to 14 days for a CONUS to CONUS PCS
TLE Reimbursement is limited to five days to/from an OCONUS PDS
*Lodging at OCONUS locations may be reimbursed under TLA. Contact Military Pay Office for additional information.
Determining TLE Entitlement:
Determine the TLE entitlement by multiply the percentage in the following table by the applicable locality lodging and M&IE rates.
No. of Eligible Persons Occupying Temporary Quarters |
Percentage Applicable |
Member or 1 dependent |
65% |
Member and 1 dependent, or 2 dependents only |
100% |
For each additional dependent age 12 and over, add |
35% |
For each additional dependent under age 12, add |
24% |
13) Resources at New Duty Location - These resources can be located by contacting your local Military and Family Readiness Center.
Loan Closet: Common household items are available to borrow for up to 30 days. Items available are specific to each installation but usually include: irons, ironing boards, kitchen appliances, dishes, flatware, and pots and pans.
Post-Move Newcomers Orientation: Provides information about your new installation, including housing, education, healthcare, briefings on the PCS In-Processing System, the online travel voucher filing system and more.
Individual Counseling: Your Relocation Assistance Program Manager can address specific issues with you one-on-one and give guidance and suggestions to help resolve any problems that may come along with your move.
Provide sponsorship: Sponsor assists in and facilitating a smooth PCS transition. Sponsors serve as the link between the inbound member/family and the unit, providing sufficient information and support so newly assigned Service members understand expectations, role(s), and reinforce the importance of our core tenants (e.g., warfighting excellence, esprit de corps, standards, thriving Service members and families, etc.).
School Liaison: The School Liaison can provide assistance to relocating families and function as an advocate for military connected students.
14) Other Considerations
Pets - Contact your local TMO for specific immigration requirements to include quarantine and detention for the country to which you are
shipping your pet. Additional information can be found in the OCONUS Country Instructions under paragraph “6. Pets/Quarantine” for each country. No matter where you move, vaccine records and proof of microchip is required.
Travel - During the summer months, most airlines will not ship pets due to the heat. You may need to send them in advance or bring them to your new location after the temperatures have cooled down. You may be eligible to ship your pets via the Patriot Express Air Mobility Command Flight.
Quarantine - A Service member on a PCS order is authorized reimbursement for mandatory pet quarantine fees for household pets. A household pet is a cat or a dog. Reimbursement for actual mandatory household pet quarantine fees is authorized, limited to $550 per PCS move. Transportation for a household pet is not a reimbursable expense, except when transportation is incident to an evacuation from a foreign PDS.
Driver’s License Requirements
Requirements vary by location and are issued by local law enforcement. For more information check the guidelines for the country in which you are stationed.
Department of the Air Force Instructions 36-3003, Military Leave Program
Department of the Air Force Manual 36-2102, Base-Level Relocation Procedures
Air Force Personnel Center
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
DFAS-Travel Pay
DFAS- Claim Status
Weight Allowance Calculator
“It’s Your Move” Armed Forces Members Guide
Military One Source
Exceptional Family Member Program
DoD Overseas Station and Housing Allowance Process Guide
Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Military and Family Readiness