Oklahoma Military Installations - Contact Information

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Listed below are Oklahoma military installations and military support centers, with full contact information, that can assist you with your benefits. This applies to the entire military community including Active duty, National Guard and Reserve Service Members serving in any branch of the Armed Services in Oklahoma or those who claim this state as their home of record. Contact information is also available for Veterans, Families, Retired Service members and Survivors. For additional state benefits go to the MyAirForceBenefits - Oklahoma Military and Veteran Benefits Fact Sheet

Common Resources
Altus Air Force Base
Tinker Air Force Base
Vance Air Force Base
Oklahoma Air National Guard
Air Force Reserves


Common Resources

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Website: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/

DFAS Insignia

Address: 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN
Phone: 888-332-7411
Customer Service
Self Service - Option 1
Report the Death of a Military Retiree - Option 2
Garnishments - Option 3
Pay Inquiries Military | Civilian Debts (Retiree; Annuitant; Military and Travel pay) - Option 4
- Travel Pay - Option 4, then option 1
- Military Retired and Annuitant Pay - Option 4, then option 2
- Military Pay - 800-525-0102 Option 1 or submit a ticket at myFSS
myPay Website Assistance - Option 5
Affordable Care Questions - Option 6
Out of Service Debt - 866-912-6488
Website: https://www.dfas.mil

Retired Military & Annuitants
Phone: 800-321-1080
Website: https://www.dfas.mil/retiredmilitary/

Comptroller Services Portal
Email: payhelp@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.saffm.hq.af.mil/FM-Resources/Comptroller-Services-Portal/

Medical and Dental


Military Treatment Facility (MTF)
Website: https://tricare.mil/mtf?sc_database=web

Military Hospitals & Clinics
Website: https://tricare.mil/mtf

Tricare Service Center
Tricare West
Phone: 1-888-874-9378 (888-TRIWEST)
Website: https://www.tricare-west.com/content/hnfs/home/tw/bene.html

Tricare Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)
Portal: https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/
Tricare BCAC Directory: https://tricare.mil/bcacdcao/

MHS (Military Health System) GENESIS 
Website: https://my.mhsgenesis.health.mil/pages/home


Tricare Dental Program
Phone: 1-844-653-4061
Website: https://tricare.mil/Dental.aspx

Federal Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
Benefeds Dental Program-For Retired Service Members
Address: P.O. Box 797, Greenland, NH 03840-0797
Phone: 1-877-888-3337 (1-877-888-FEDS)
Website: https://www.benefeds.gov/

Air Force Aid Society
Address: 1500 Crystal Drive #809, Arlington, VA
Phone: 703-972-2650
Website: https://afas.org/

AF Retiree Services
Address: AFPC/DPFFF, 550 C Street West, JBSA-Randolph, TX 78150 
Phone: 800-525-0102 option 5 then 1 
DSN: 665-5000
Portal: https://myfss.us.af.mil/
Website: https://www.afpc.af.mil/retirement/

Air Force Housing
Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/
New and Existing Tenants: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Resident-View/

Sexual Assault DoD Safe Helpline
24/7 Helpline: 877-995-5247
Website: https://www.safehelpline.org/

Military Suicide Prevention Crisis Line
24/7 Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 x1 or Text: 838255
For Emergencies dial 988
Website: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help-now/military-crisis-line/

Veterinary Clinics
Website: https://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Public-Health/Veterinary-Services/Veterinary-Treatment-Facilities

Ways to Serve
Website: https://www.airforce.com/ways-to-serve/locations

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Altus Air Force Base
Altus AFB

Information: 580-481-5110
Prefix: 481-XXXX = DSN: 866-XXXX

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office

Altus AFB aircraft

Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6547 x1 / 7776
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 101561

Finance / Defense Military Pay Office

97th Comptroller logo

Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6944
Website: https://www.altus.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/352073/97th-comptroller-squadron/

Legal/Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-7294
Email: 97AMW.JA@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.altus.af.mil/About-Us/97th-Air-Mobility-Wing-Legal-Office/

Medical and Dental


97th Medical Group
97th Medical Group

Address: 301 North 1st Street, Building 46
Phone: 580-481-5235 / 649-9530 / 5110 x6
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/

Children’s Health & Pediatrics
Phone: 580-481-7082 / 5235 x1, x1
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Childrens-Health

Women’s Health & Pregnancy
Phone: 580-481-5235 x1, x1
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Womens-Health-Pregnancy

Family Advocacy Program
Address: 301 North 1st Street, Building 46
Phone: 580-481-1359 / 5235 x1, x3
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Specialty-Care/Family-Advocacy-Program

Suicide Prevention Program / Mental Health
Address: 301 North 1st Street, Building 46
Phone: 580-481-5376 / 5235 x1, x3
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Mental-Health

Phone: 580-481-5258 / 580-481-5235 x3
Refill Line: 580-481-5257
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Pharmacy

Tricare Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC) - Located at Tinker AFB
Phone: 405-582-6344 / 734-2778 x3
Website: https://tricare.mil/bcacdcao/


97th Medical insignia
Dental Clinic
Address: 301 North 1st Street, Building 46
Phone: 580-481-5262 / 580-481-5235 x1, x5
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Dental

Military and Family Readiness Center
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Email: 97fss.fsfr@us.af.mil
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Air Force Aid Society
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Deployment Readiness
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Exceptional Family Member Program

EFMP logo

Family Support Services
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Medical Support Services
Address: 310 North 1st Street, Building 46
Phone: 580-481-5542 / 5315
Website: https://altus.tricare.mil/Patient-Resources/Exceptional-Family-Member-Program-EFMP

Family Readiness
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Financial Assistance
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Military Family Life Counselor
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761 / 301-1635
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Personal & Work Life Assistance  
Address: 308 North 1st  Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Relocation Assistance Program (RAP)
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Transition Assistance Program
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6761
Website: https://altusfss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Military Personnel Flight
Address: 301 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-6547

Child and Youth Services
Child Development Centers


Address: 501 North Altus Road, Building 53
Phone: 580-481-7502
Website: https://altusfss.com/child-development-center/

Family Child Care
Address: 501 North Altus Road, Building 53
Phone: 580-481-7387
Website: https://altusfss.com/family-child-care/

Youth Programs/Center

Altus AFB Youth Center

Address: 1866 West River Drive
Phone: 580-481-6792
Website: https://altusfss.com/youth-center/

School Age Programs/Center
Address: 1866 West River Drive
Phone: 580-481-7903
Website: https://altusfss.com/youth-center/

School Liaison Office
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-5439
Website: https://altusfss.com/school-liaison/

Sports and Fitness
Fitness and Sports Center

Altus AFB Fitness Center
Address: 308 North 7th Street, Building 156
Phone: 580-481-7440
Website: https://altusfss.com/fitness-center/

Education Center
Address: 510 North 6th Street, Building 87
Phone: 580-481-6619
Website: https://altusfss.com/education-office/

NAF Human Resources
Address: 308 North 1st Street, Building 52
Phone: 580-481-5639
Website: https://altusfss.com/human-resources/

Force Support Squadron


Website: https://www.altusfss.com/

Information, Tickets and Travel
Address: E Avenue, Building 148
Phone: 580-481-6600
Website: https://altusfss.com/information-tickets-travel/

Outdoor Recreation

Altus AFB Outdoor Recreation

Address: 500 South 1st Street, Building 343
Phone: 580-481-7696
Website: https://altusfss.com/outdoor-recreation/

Housing Management Office 
Address: 401 L Avenue, Building 358
Phone: 580-481-7235
Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Installations/Altus/

Privatized/Family Housing
Balfour-Beatty Communities

Altus AFB Housing
Address: 700 Legacy Lane
Phone: 580-379-4002
Website: https://www.altusafbhomes.com/

Unaccompanied Housing
Address: 401 L Avenue, Building 358
Phone: 580-481-6818
Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Installations/Altus/

Red River Inn

Altus AFB Red River Inn
Address: 307 B Avenue
Phone: 580-481-7356
Website: https://altusfss.com/lodging

Religious Support Office

Altus AFB Chapel

Address: 306 F. Avenue, Building 301
Phone: 580-481-7485
Email: 97amw.hc.uc@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.altus.af.mil/About-Us/Chapel/

Retiree Assistance Office
Address: 308 North 1st Street
Phone: 580-481-6831 / 0281
Website: https://www.altus.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1202579/

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
24/7 Hotline: 580-649-0656

SAPR logo

Address: 305 Avenue E, Building 116
Phone: 580-481-7835
Email: 97amw.sarc.office@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.altus.af.mil/About-Us/Sexual-Assault-Prevention/

Victim Advocacy Program
Address: 305 Avenue E, Building 116
Phone: 580-481-7428
Website: https://www.altus.af.mil/About-Us/Sexual-Assault-Prevention/

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Tinker Air Force Base
Tinker AFB 
Prefix: 582-XXXX = DSN: 852-XXXX
Prefix: 622-XXXX = DSN: 892-XXXX
Prefix: 734-XXXX = DSN: 884-XXXX
Prefix: 736-XXXX = DSN: 336-XXXX
Prefix: 739-XXXX = DSN: 339-XXXX
Telephone Directory

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office
Address: 7701 Arnold Street, Building 1, Doors 3 and 4
Phone: 405-739-7646 / 734-8753
Website: https://www.tinker.af.mil/Resources/ID-Cards/
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 101566

Finance / Defense Military Pay Office
Address: 7701 Arnold Street, Building 1
Phone: 405-739-5180
Website: https://www.tinker.af.mil/Resources/Finance/

Legal/Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Address: 7460 Arnold Avenue, Building 1014, SE Wing
Phone: 405-739-5811
Website: https://www.tinker.af.mil/Units/72nd-Air-Base-Wing/Judge-Advocate-Office/

Medical and Dental


72nd Medical Group
 72nd Medical Group

Address: 7050 Air Depot Boulevard, Building 1094
Phone: 405-734-2778
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/

Children’s Health & Pediatrics
Address: 7050 Air Depot Boulevard, Building 1094
Phone: 405-734-2778 x1, x1
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Childrens-Health/Pediatrics

Women’s Health & Pregnancy
Address: Building 1094, First Floor
Phone: 405-734-2778 x1
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Womens-Health-Pregnancy

Family Advocacy Program
Address: 7050 Air Depot Boulevard, Building 1094, Second Floor
Phone: 405-582-6604 / 2278 x1, x2
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Primary-Care/Family-Advocacy

Suicide Prevention Program / Mental Health
Address: 7050 Air Depot Boulevard, Building 1094, Second Floor
Phone: 405-582-6603 / 2278 x1, x2
ADAPT: 405-582-6605
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Mental-Health

Address: Building 1094
Phone: 405-582-6315 x2, x2 / 405-734-2778 x2
Refill Line: 405-734-5514
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Pharmacy

Tricare Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)
Phone: 405-582-6344 / 6693 / 734-2778 x3
Website: https://tricare.mil/bcacdcao/


Dental Clinic
Address: 7050 Air Depot Boulevard, Building 1094, Second Floor
Phone: 405-734-2778 x1, x3 / 582-6474
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Dental

Military and Family Readiness Center
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Air Force Aid Society
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Casualty Services / Survivor Benefit Plan
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Employment Assistance Program
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Exceptional Family Member Program

Family Support Services
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Medical Support Services
Address: 7050 Air Depot Boulevard, Building 1094, Ground Floor
Phone: 405-582-6025
Website: https://tinker.tricare.mil/Patient-Resources/Exceptional-Family-Member-Program-EFMP

Key Spouse Program
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Military Family Life Consultant
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Personal Financial Readiness
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Personal and Family Readiness
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Relocation Assistance Program (RAP)
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Transition Assistance Program
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-739-2747
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Military Personnel Flight
Address: 7701 Arnold Street, Building 1
Phone: 405-734-8753
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/m-p-f-id-services/ 

Child and Youth Services
children playing at a daycare

Child Development Centers
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/child-development-center/

Address: 3590 East Drive, Building 3904
Phone: 405-734-4212

Address: 6090 Twinning Drive, Building 5510
Phone: 405-734-3646

Address: 6921 Mitchell Avenue, Building 1101
Phone: 405-582-9026

Family Child Care
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-734-7190
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/family-child-care/

Youth Programs/Center
Address: 4460 McNarney Avenue, Building 5520
Phone: 405-734-7866
Website:  https://tinkerliving.com/youth-center/

School Age Programs/Center
Address: 4460 McNarney Avenue, Building 5520
Phone: 405-734-7866
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/school-age-care/

School Liaison Office
Address: 6001 Arnold Street
Phone: 405-734-3683 / 274-0429
Email: 72fss.fsy.schoolliaison@us.af.mil
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/school-liaison/

Sports and Fitness
Fitness and Sports Center
Gerrity Fitness Center
Gerrity Fitness center

Address: 5109 McNarney Avenue, Building 6004
Phone: 405-734-5607
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/fitness-sports-center/

216 Fitness Center
Address: Arnold Street, Building 216
Phone: 405-734-2163
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/fitness-sports-center/

3705 Fitness Center
Address: Tinker Air Force Base Annex, Building 3705
Phone: 405-734-4664
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/fitness-sports-center/

Education Center
Address: 1st Street and C Avenue, Building 201SE
Phone: 405-739-7408
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/education-services/

Civilian Employment
NAF Human Resources

Address: 6001 Arnold Street, Building 6001
Phone: 405-739-5372
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/naf-human-resources/

Civilian Personnel Office
Address: Building 3001
Phone: 405-739-3875

Force Support Squadron
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/

Information, Tickets and Travel
Address: 3680 H Avenue, Building 478
Phone: 405-734-3791
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/information-tickets-travel/

Outdoor Recreation
Address: 3680 H Avenue, Building 478
Phone: 405-734-5875
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/outdoor-recreation-center/


Tinker AFB FamCamp
Address: 1046 Patrol Road
Phone: 405-734-2847
Website: https://tinkerliving.com/famcamp/

Housing Management Office
Address: 5601 Twinning Drive
Phone: 405-734-7350
Email: hro.tinker@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Installations/Tinker-AFB/

Privatized/Family Housing
Balfour Beatty Communities

Tinker AFB Housing

Address: 5601 Twinning Drive
Phone: 866-933-6055 / 405-610-3637
Website: https://www.tinkerafbhomes.com/

Unaccompanied Housing
Address: 5913 McNarney Avenue
Phone: 405-734-4421
Email: 72ABW.CEAC.UH@tinker.af.mil
Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Installations/Tinker-AFB/

Religious Support Office

Tinker AFB Chapel
Address: 6710 Arnold Street, Building 5701
Phone: 405-734-2111
Email: 72abw.hc.workflow@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.tinker.af.mil/Resources/Chapel/

Retiree Activities Office

Retiree Activities office logo
Address: 7701 Arnold Street, Building 1, Door 7
Phone: 405-739-2795
Website: https://www.tinker.af.mil/Resources/Retiree-Activities-Office/

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
24/7 Hotline: 405-734-7272

Tinker AFB SAPR logo

Address: 3350 Avenue D, Building 1 
Phone: 405-734-9293
Website: https://www.tinker.af.mil/Resources/Tinker-Helping-Agencies/

Victim Advocacy Program
Address: 3350 Avenue D, Building 1
Phone: 405-734-9293
Website: https://www.tinker.af.mil/Resources/Tinker-Helping-Agencies/

Veterinary Services
Tinker AFB VTF
Address: 5851 Rapcon Road, Building 1133
Phone: 405-734-5780
Website: https://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Public-Health/Veterinary-Services/Veterinary-Treatment-Facilities

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Vance Air Force Base
Vance AFB

Information: 580-213-5000
Prefix: 213-XXXX = DSN: 448-XXXX 
Prefix: 622-XXXX = DSN: 892-XXXX

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office

Vance AFB aircraft

Address: 246 Brown Parkway, Building 500, Suite 124
Phone: 580-213-7500 x1
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-personnel-flight/
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 102059

Finance / Defense Military Pay Office

Vance AFB Comptroller insignia
Address: 246 Brown Parkway, Building 500
Phone: 580-213-5000 x4, x3
Website: https://www.vance.af.mil/About-Us/Finance/

Legal/Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Address: 246 Brown Parkway, Building 500
Phone: 580-213-7404 / 580-213-5000 x4, x2

Medical and Dental


71st Medical Group
71st Medical Group building

Address: 527 Gott Road, Building 810
Phone: 580-213-7416 / 5000 x2
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/

Children’s Health & Pediatrics
Address: 527 Gott Road
Phone: 580-213-7416 x1
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Childrens-Health/Pediatrics

Women’s Health & Pregnancy
Phone: 580-213-7416
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Womens-Health-Pregnancy

Family Advocacy Program
Address: 527 Gott Road, Building 816
Phone: 580-213-7419
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Mental-Health-Substance-Abuse/Mental-Health

Suicide Prevention Program
Address: 527 Gott Road, Building 816 
Phone: 580-213-7419
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Mental-Health-Substance-Abuse/Mental-Health

Phone: 580-213-7783 / 580-213-7416 x4
Refills: 580-213-7292
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Pharmacy

Tricare Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)
Phone: 580-213-6343
Website: https://tricare.mil/bcacdcao/


71st medical group insignia
Dental Clinic
Address: 527 Gott Road, Building 810
Phone: 580-213-7307 / 5000 x5, x2
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Dental

Military and Family Readiness Center
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330 / 5000 x5 , x2
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Air Force Aid Society
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Deployment Support
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Education Center
Address: 466 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-7388 / 5000 x5, x3
Website: https://vanceafb71fss.com/education-training/

Exceptional Family Member Program

Family Support Services
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Medical Support Services
Address: 527 Gott Road, Building 810
Phone: 580-213-7416
Website: https://vance.tricare.mil/Patient-Resources/Exceptional-Family-Member-Program-EFMP

Military Family Life Counselor
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330 / 478-3446 / 402-1008
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Personal Financial Readiness
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Relocation Assistance Program (RAP)
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Spouse Employment and Education
Address: 466 McAffrey Avenue, Building 314
Phone: 580-213-6330
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Transition Assistance Program
Address: 446 McAffrey Avenue, Building 312
Phone: 580-213-6330
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-family-readiness-center/

Military Personnel Flight
Address: 246 Brown Road, Building 500
Phone: 580-213-7500 / 5000 x5, x1
Website: https://vancefss.com/military-personnel-flight/

Child and Youth Services

Child Development Centers
Vance CDC
Address: 334 Phillips Avenue, Building 336
Phone: 580-213-7310 / 5000 x7, x1
Website: https://vancefss.com/child-development-center/

Youth & Teen Center
Address: Fields Street, Building 455
Phone: 580-213-7166 / 5000 x7, x2
Website: https://vancefss.com/youth-teen-center/

School Age Care
Address: 323 McAffrey Avenue, Building 323
Phone: 580-213-7474
Website: https://vancefss.com/school-age-center/

School Liaison Office
Address: 400 Young Road, Building 200
Phone: 580-213-6285
Cell: 580-478-4317
Email: 71fss.fsysl.workflow@us.af.mil
Website: https://vancefss.com/school-liaison/

Sports and Fitness
Fitness and Sports Center

Bradley Fitness Center
Bradley Fitness Center
Address: 414 McAffrey Avenue, Building 316
Phone: 580-213-7670 / 5000 x7, x3
Website: https://vancefss.com/fitness/

Civilian Employment
NAF Human Resources
Address: 246 Brown Parkway, Building 500
Phone: 580-213-6524
Website: https://vancefss.com/naf-human-resources/

Civilian Personnel Office
Address: 246 Brown Parkway, Building 500
Phone: 580-213-7813
Website: https://vancefss.com/naf-human-resources/

Force Support Squadron

Vance AFB 71st FSS insignia
Website: https://vancefss.com/


Information, Tickets and Travel
Address: 273 Scott Road, Building 244
Phone: 580-213-5488
Website: https://vancefss.com/information-tickets-and-travel/

Outdoor Recreation
Address: 273 Scott Road, Building 224
Phone: 580-213-6619
Website: https://vancefss.com/outdoor-recreation/

Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Installations/Vance-AFB/

Housing Management Office
Address: 4405 Lehr Street
Phone: 580-213-7294 / 5000 x3
Email: vanceiss.ceh@us.af.mil

Privatized/Family Housing
Hunt Companies

Vance AFB Housing
Address: 4405 Lehr Street
Phone: 580-297-8910 / 877-890-6032
Email: vancefamilyhousing@huntcompanies.com
Website: https://www.vancefamilyhousing.com/

Unaccompanied Housing
Addresses: Enlisted: 200 Fields Street, Building 423
Officer: 426 Goad Street, Ste 131
Phone: Enlisted: 580-213-7212
Officer: 580-213-5410 / 5420

Religious Support Office
Address: 195 Fields Street, Building 505
Phone: 580-213-7211 / 5000 x5, x4
Email: 71ftw.hc@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.vance.af.mil/About-Us/Vance-AFB-Chapel/

Retiree Activities Office 
Address: 400 Young Road, Building 200
Phone: 580-213-7859  / 5000 x5, x5
Email: 71FTW.cvr.rao@us.af.mil

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
24/7 Hotline: 580-231-7272 / 580-541-7095
Vance SAPR logo

Address: 400 Young Road, Building 200
Phone: 580-213-5598 / 5597 / 5000 x1
Website: https://www.vance.af.mil/Portals/61/VAFB%20SAPR%20Flyer%20for%20Public%20Site%20(Updated%20Apr%202022).pdf

Victim Advocacy Program
Address: 400 Young Road, Building 200
Phone: 580-213-5597
Cell: 580-541-7095
Website: https://www.vance.af.mil/Portals/61/VAFB%20SAPR%20Flyer%20for%20Public%20Site%20(Updated%20Apr%202022).pdf

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Oklahoma Air National Guard

Joint Force Headquarters

Oklahoma National Guard insignia

Address: 3501 NE Military Circle, Oklahoma City
Phone: 405-228-5000
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/


DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office

AG HQ Oklahoma – Tulsa/Sand Springs
Address: 7520 W. 41st Street, Tulsa
Phone: 918-447-8295
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 620117

Address: 3501 NE Military Circle
Phone: 405-228-5301
Trial Defense Services: 405-228-5599
Email: ng.ok.okarng.mesg.245-trial-defense-services@army.mil
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/Resources/Trial-Defense-Services/

Military and Family Readiness Programs
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/Family-Programs/

Oklahoma City
Address: 3535 NE Military Circle
Phone: 405-228-5389

Broken Arrow
Address: 26401 E 101st Street
Phone: 918-279-7432

Address: 600 South Bryant
Phone: 405-228-5728

Fort Sill / Lawton
Address: 4700 Mow-Way Road
Phone: 580-595-4425

Address: 1 C Tree Road
Phone: 918-421-3265

Address: 420 S. Cedar Springs Lane
Phone: 405-350-4886

Address: 4000 Thunderbird Street
Phone: 405-573-7139

Sand Springs
Phone: 918-832-6539

Oklahoma City
90th Troop Command
Address: 6800 N Kelley Avenue
Phone: 405-475-1540
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/Family-Programs/

Religious Support
Address: 3501 NE Military Circle
Phone: 405-228-5167
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/Resources/Chaplain/

Retirement Services Office
Phone: 405-228-5322
Email: ng.ok.okarng.list.retirement-services@army.mil
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/Resources/Retirement-Services/

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator

24/7 Helpline: 405-343-7260
Address: 6900 North Kelley Avenue, Oklahoma City
Phone: 405-228-5342
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/Wellness/Sexual-Assault-Prevention/

Suicide Prevention Program
Address: 3501 NE Military Circle
Phone: 405-228-5145
Website: https://ok.ng.mil/Wellness/Suicide-Prevention/ 

137th Special Operations Wing

137th SOW
Address: 5624 Air Guard Drive
Phone: 405-686-5227
Website: https://www.137sow.ang.af.mil/

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office

137th SOW

Address: 5201 Flight Line Drive, Building 1040
Phone: 405-686-5377 x1
Website: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 102382

Religious Support
Address: 5624 Air Guard Drive
Phone: 405-686-5036

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator
24/7 Helpline: 405-686-5561

Address: 5624 Air Guard Drive, Building 1046
Phone: 405-686-5536
Cell: 405-640-3834

138th Fighter Wing

138th Fighter Wing
Address: 9100 E. 46th Street N.
Phone: 918-833-7325
Website: https://www.138fw.ang.af.mil/

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office

138th FW

Phone: 918-833-7206
Website: https://www.138fw.ang.af.mil/Contact-Us/
Site ID: 102415

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator
Phone: 918-833-7835
Cell: 918-720-5347

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U.S. Air Force Reserve

507th Refueling Wing

507th ARW insignia
Address: 7435 Reserve Road, Suite 114
Phone: 405-734-3078
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office

507th ARW refueling an aircraft
Address: 7455 Reserve Road, Building 1043
Phone: 405-739-4293
DSN: 339-4293
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Units/Mission-Support-Group-507-MSG/Force-Support-Squadron-507-FSS/Customer-Support-ID-Cards/
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 150040

Address: 7435 Reserve Road, Building 1056, Suite B13
Phone: 405-734-3823
DSN: 884-3823
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Units/Wing-Staff-507-ARW/Judge-Advocate-JA/

Military and Family Readiness Programs

Airman and Family Readiness Center insignia

Address: 7345 Reserve Road, Building 1043
Phone: 405-734-6278
Email: 507.fss.workflow@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Airman-and-Family-Readiness/

Education and Training
Address: 7435 Reserve Road, Building 1043, Suite 203C
Phone: 405-734-7075
Email: 507.msf.dpmt@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Units/Mission-Support-Group-507-MSG/Force-Support-Squadron-507-FSS/Education-and-Training/

Religious Support
Address: Building 1056
Phone: 405-734-1912
Email: 507arw.hc.chaplainworkflow@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Units/Wing-Staff-507-ARW/Chaplains-Office-HC/

AF Reserve Retiree Services
Air Reserve Personnel Center 
Address: 18420 E Silver Creek Avenue, Buckley AFB, CO 
Phone: 800-525-0102, option 5 then 2 
Website: https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/retirement/ 

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator
24/7 Hotline: 405-734-7272- Tinker AFB

SARC logo
Phone: 877-995-5247
Victim Advocate: 405-409-2812
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Units/Wing-Staff-507-ARW/Director-of-Psychological-Health-SGO/SAPR/

Suicide Prevention/ Psychological Health
Address: 7435 Reserve Road, Building 1056, Room 106
Phone: 919-722-1899
Cell: 984-277-7882
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Units/Wing-Staff-507-ARW/Director-of-Psychological-Health-SGO/

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
Address: 7435 Reserve Road, Building 1056, Room 5 (in the basement)
Phone: 405-734-7207
Cell: 405-517-2971
Website: https://www.507arw.afrc.af.mil/Units/Mission-Support-Group-507-MSG/Force-Support-Squadron-507-FSS/Yellow-Ribbon-Program/

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Services may also be available at Fort Sill.

For additional state resource information please see the MyAirForceBenefits - Oklahoma Military and Veteran Benefits Fact Sheet.

Information on other military installations can be found at the Air Force Reserve Command, 63RD Readiness Division, Joint Services Support for the National Guard, Military Installations and Directories of Services Lookup and MyArmyBenefits - Oklahoma Military Resource Locator.

For additional help with Suicide Prevention please dial 988

To reach the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response office call the DoD Safe Helpline at 877-995-5247 or toll-free at 202-540-5962. Or contact the VA facilities by calling 1-800-MyVA411 (1-800-698-2411, option 9). 

Document Review Date: 23 September 2024