Utah Military Installations - Contact Information

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Listed below are Utah military installations and military support centers, with full contact information, that can assist you with your benefits. This applies to the entire military community including Active duty, National Guard and Reserve Service Members serving in any branch of the Armed Services in Utah or those who claim this state as their home of record. Contact information is also available for Veterans, Families, Retired Service members and Survivors. For additional state benefits go to the MyAirForceBenefits - Utah Military and Veteran Benefits Fact Sheet.

Common Resources
Hill Air Force Base

Utah Air National Guard
Air Force Reserves

Aircraft tail that says "UTAH"


Common Resources

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office 
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Website: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/

DFAS Insignia

Address: 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN
Phone: 888-332-7411
Customer Service
Self Service - Option 1
Report the Death of a Military Retiree - Option 2
Garnishments - Option 3
Pay Inquiries Military | Civilian Debts (Retiree; Annuitant; Military and Travel pay) - Option 4
- Travel Pay - Option 4, then option 1
- Military Retired and Annuitant Pay - Option 4, then option 2
- Military Pay - 800-525-0102 Option 1 or submit a ticket at myFSS
myPay Website Assistance - Option 5
Affordable Care Questions - Option 6
Out of Service Debt - 866-912-6488
Website: https://www.dfas.mil

Retired Military & Annuitants
Phone: 800-321-1080
Website: https://www.dfas.mil/retiredmilitary/

Comptroller Services Portal
Email: payhelp@us.af.mil  
Website: https://www.saffm.hq.af.mil/FM-Resources/Comptroller-Services-Portal/     

Medical and Dental


Military Treatment Facility (MTF)
Website: https://tricare.mil/mtf?sc_database=web

Military Hospitals & Clinics
Website: https://tricare.mil/mtf

Air Force Medicine
Website: https://www.airforcemedicine.af.mil/Resources/MTFLocator/

Tricare Service Center
Tricare West
Phone: 1-888-874-9378 (888-TRIWEST)
Website: https://www.tricare-west.com/content/hnfs/home/tw/bene.html

Tricare Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)
Portal: https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/
Tricare BCAC Directory: https://tricare.mil/bcacdcao/

MHS (Military Health System) GENESIS 
Website: https://my.mhsgenesis.health.mil/pages/home


Tricare Dental Program
Phone: 1-844-653-4061
Website: https://tricare.mil/Dental.aspx

Federal Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
Benefeds Dental Program-For Retired Service Members
Address: P.O. Box 797, Greenland, NH 03840-0797
Phone: 1-877-888-3337 (1-877-888-FEDS)
Website: https://www.benefeds.gov/

Air Force Aid Society
Address: 1500 Crystal Drive #809, Arlington, VA
Phone: 703-972-2650
Website: https://afas.org/


AF Retiree Services
Address: AFPC/DPFFF, 550 C Street West, JBSA-Randolph, TX 78150 
Phone: 800-525-0102 option 5 then 1 
DSN: 665-5000
Portal: https://myfss.us.af.mil/
Website: https://www.afpc.af.mil/retirement/

Air Force Housing
Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/
New and Existing Tenants: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Resident-View/

Sexual Assault DoD Safe Helpline
24/7 Helpline: 877-995-5247
Website: https://www.safehelpline.org/

Military Suicide Prevention Crisis Line
24/7 Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 x1 or Text: 838255
For Emergencies dial 988
Website: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help-now/military-crisis-line/

Veterinary Clinics
Website: https://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Public-Health/Veterinary-Services/Veterinary-Treatment-Facilities

Ways to Serve
Website: https://www.airforce.com/ways-to-serve/locations

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Hill Air Force Base

Hill AFB

Information: 801-777-5201
Prefix: 777-XXXX = DSN: 777-XXXX
Phone Numbers

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office
Address: 7437 6th Street, Building 430
Phone: 801-777-1673 x1
Website: https://hillfss.com/mpf/ 
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 101541

Finance / Defense Military Pay Office
Address: 7437 6th Street, Building 430
Phone: 801-777-1851

Legal/Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Address: 6026 Cedar Lane, Building 1278
Phone: 801-777-6756
Email: 75ABW.JA.Workflow@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.hill.af.mil/About-Us/Legal-Office/

Medical and Dental


75th Medical Group

75th Medical Group

Address: 7321 Balmer Street, Building 570
Phone: 801-586-2273 (CARE) / 1-800-453-2388
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/

Children’s Health & Pediatrics
Address: Main Clinic, First Floor
Phone: 801-586-2273 x1, x3
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Childrens-Health

Women’s Health & Pregnancy
Address: Main Clinic, First Floor
Phone: 801-586-2273 x1, x4
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Womens-Health-Pregnancy

Family Advocacy Program
Address: Building 546, Outbuilding East of Main Clinic
Phone: 801-777-3497 / 801-586-2273 x1, x2
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Other/Family-Advocacy

Suicide Prevention Program
Address: Building 545, East of Main Clinic
Phone: 801-586-2273 x1, x2
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Mental-Behavioral-Health

Address: Main Clinic, Satellite Pharmacy located at the Base Exchange
Phone: 801-586-2273 x2, x1
Refill Line: 801-775-3630
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Pharmacy

Tricare Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)
Phone: 801-777-6670 / 6689 / 801-586-2273 x5
Website: https://tricare.mil/bcacdcao/


Dental Clinic

75th Medical Group insignia

Address: 7321 Balmer Street, Building 570
Phone: 801-777-7011 / 801-586-2273 x3 x1
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Dental

Military and Family Readiness Center
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Email: 75fss.fsfr@us.af.mil
Website: https://hillfss.com/military-and-family-readiness-center/

Air Force Aid Society
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/air-force-aid-society/

Casualty Assistance Services
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681

Employment Assistance Program
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/employment-program/

Exceptional Family Member Program
Family Support Services
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-586-2611 / 4820
Website: https://hillfss.com/exceptional-family-member-program/

Medical Center
Address: 7321 Balmer Street, Building 570
Phone: 801-777-1237 / 775-3724 / 801-586-2273 x5, x4
Website: https://hill.tricare.mil/Patient-Resources/Exceptional-Family-Member-Program-Medical-Family-Member-Relocation-Clearance

Key Spouse Program
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/military-and-family-readiness-center/

Military Family Life Counselor
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150 
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/military-and-family-readiness-center/

Personal Financial Readiness
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/personal-financial-readiness-program/

Relocation Assistance Program (RAP)
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/relocation-information/

Transition Assistance Program
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/tap/

Military Personnel Flight
Address: 7437 6th Street, Building 430
Phone: 801-777-1673
Website: https://hillfss.com/mpf/

Child and Youth Services

Child Development Centers
Website: https://hillfss.com/child-development-centers/

CDC East
Address: 5708 Mitchell Lane, Building 470
Phone: 801-777-6321
Email: 75FSS.FSYCE.HillCDCEast@us.af.mil

CDC West

CDC West
Address: 5715 Mitchell Lane, Building 464
Phone: 801-777-6223

Family Child Care
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-586-6687
Website: https://hillfss.com/family-child-care/

Youth Programs/Center
Address: 7712 6th Street, Building 883
Phone: 801-777-2419
Website: https://hillfss.com/youth-programs/

School Age Programs/Center
Address: 7712 6th Street, Building 883
Phone: 801-777-2419
Website: https://hillfss.com/youth-programs/#SAC

Youth Sports

kids playing soccer

Address: 7712 6th Street, Building 883
Phone: 801-777-2419
Website: https://hillfss.com/youth-programs/

School Liaison Office
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-775-5960
Email: 75FSS.HillSchool.Liaison@us.af.mil
Website: https://hillfss.com/school-liaison-services/

Sports and Fitness
Website: https://hillfss.com/fitness/

Hill AFB Fitness Center

Hess Fitness and Sports Center
Address: 5724 D Avenue, Building 520
Phone: 801-777-2762
Email: 75FSS.WarriorFitCtr@us.af.mil
Website: https://hillfss.com/hess/

Warrior Fitness and Sports Center
Address: 7250 Balmer Street, Building 533
Phone: 801-777-2762
Website: https://hillfss.com/fitness/

Education Center
Address: 7285 4th Street, Building 180
Phone: 801-777-2710
Email: 75FSS.FSDE@us.af.mil
Website: https://hillfss.com/military-education-training/

2 F35 aircraft

Civilian Employment
NAF Human Resources

Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-1080
Website: https://hillfss.com/naf-hro/

Civilian Personnel
Address: 7437 6th Street, Building 430
Phone: 801-775-3329
Email: OO-ALC.Staff.Recruiting@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.hill.af.mil/Employment/

75th Force Support Squadron
Website: https://hillfss.com/

Information, Tickets and Travel Office
Address: 7526 Balmer Street, Building 805
Phone: 801-777-9666
Website: https://hillfss.com/itt/

Outdoor Recreation
Address: 7526 Balmer Street, Building 805
Phone: 801-777-9666
Website: https://hillfss.com/odr/


Hill AFB Famcamp

Address: 5622 Park Lane, Building 564
Phone: 801-775-3250
Website: https://hillfss.com/famcamp/


Housing Management Office

Housing Management Office

Address: 4114 Charlestown Loop, Building 833
Phone: 801-777-1840
Email: 75CEG.CEIH.HOUSING@us.af.mil 
Website: https://www.housing.af.mil/Home/Installations/Hill-AFB/

Privatized/Family Housing
Boyer Hill Military Housing

Family Housing

Address: 4114 Charlestown Loop, Building 833
Phone: 801-784-5600
Website: https://www.bhmh.com/

Dorm Management
Address: 4114 Charlestown Loop
Phone: 801-777-1840 x3
Email: 75CEG.CEAH@us.af.mil

Mountain View Inn

Mountain View Inn

Address: 7420 West Miller Street, Building 450
Phone: 801-777-1844 / 385-831-1430
Website: https://hillfss.com/lodging/ 

Religious Support Office
Address: 5711 East Avenue, Building 475
Phone: 801-777-2106
Email: 75abw.hc@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.hill.af.mil/Integrated-Resilience/
Catholic Community Facebook

Retiree Activities Office
Address: 7437 6th Street, Building 430
Phone: 801-777-5735
Website: https://www.hill.af.mil/About-Us/Retirees/

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
24/7 Hotline: 801-777-1985

Hill AFB SAPR insignia

Address: 5713 East Avenue, Building 460
Phone: 801-777-1950
Email: hill.sarc@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.hill.af.mil/Home/Sexual-Assault-Response-Coordinator/

Victim Advocacy Program
Address: 5713 East Avenue, Building 460
Phone: 801-777-1950
Email: hill.sardc@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.hill.af.mil/Home/Sexual-Assault-Response-Coordinator/

Veterinary Services

Veterinary Services

Address: 7457 Weiner Street, Building 401
Phone: 801-777-2611
Website: https://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Public-Health/Veterinary-Services/Veterinary-Treatment-Facilities

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Utah Air National Guard


Joint Forces Headquarters

Utah National Guard Insignia

Address: 12953 South Minuteman Drive
Phone: 801-432-4400

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office
Joint Force Headquarters
Address: 12953 South Minuteman Drive
Phone: 801-432-4566 / 4400 x1
Website: https://guard.utah.gov/deers-id-cards/
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 105233

Phone: 801-432-4400 x4

 151st ARW

Army/Air Force Education Center
Address: 12953 South Minuteman Drive, Draper
Phone: 801-432-4400 x6 / 4354
Email: ng.ut.utarng.mbx.education-office@army.mil
Website: https://guard.utah.gov/education-services/

Child and Youth Program
Address: 12953 South Minuteman Drive
Phone: 801-878-5331
Cell: 801-716-9239
Website: https://guard.utah.gov/community-support/ 

Family Assistance Centers
Website: https://guard.utah.gov/family-service-member-resources/

Address: 10 West Freedom Way 105-5
Phone: 435-678-2008 x3
Cell: 435-979-0546

Camp Williams
Address: Readiness Center
Phone: 801-878-5037
Cell: 801-347-6777

Cedar City / Richfield
Address: 1065 North Airport Road, Cedar City
Phone: 435-867-6513
Cell: 435-559-1448

Address: 620 West 200 South
Phone: 435-896-4326
Cell: 435-559-1448

Address: 12953 South Minuteman Drive
Phone: 801-432-4522
Cell: 435-213-0956

Logan / Ogden
Address: 590 South 500 West, Logan
Phone: 435-753-3155 x2
Cell: 801-791-8462

Address: 625 East 5300 South, Ogden
Phone: 801-476-3811
Cell: 801-791-8462

St. George
Phone: 435-986-6705
Cell: 435-669-6050

Spanish Fork
Address: 2851 North Main Street
Phone: 801-794-6011
Cell: 801-541-4826

Address: 84 South 1500 East
Phone: 435-789-3691
Cell: 801-837-8932

West Jordan
Address: 7602 South Airport Road

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator
Joint Force Headquarters
24/7 Helpline: 801-716-9254 / 801-716-9214
Phone: 801-716-9075
Website: https://guard.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/UTNG-J9-People-First-Resource-Handbook-V11.24.pdf

Transition Assistance
Phone: 801-432-4937
Website: https://guard.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/UTNG-J9-People-First-Resource-Handbook-V11.24.pdf

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
Phone: 801-432-4324
Cell: 801-913-5226
Website: https://guard.utah.gov/family-service-member-resources/#yellow-ribbon

151St Air Refueling Wing

151st ARW

Address: 765 North 2200 West
Phone: 801-245-2200
Website: https://www.151arw.ang.af.mil/

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office
Address: 765 North 2200 West Street, Building 210
Phone: 801-245-2515 / 2200 x3
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 150948

Phone: 801-245-2200 x4 / 2124
Website: https://www.151wg.af.mil/Base-Organizations/Financial-Information/

Legal/Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Address: Building 210
Phone: 801-245-2255
Cell: 385-237-6216
Website: https://www.151wg.af.mil/Base-Organizations/Staff-Judge-Advocate/

Military and Family Readiness Programs
Address: 765 North 2200 West, Building 210
Phone: 801-245-2524
Website: https://www.151wg.af.mil/Base-Organizations/Airman-and-Family-Readiness/

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator
24/7 Helpline: 385-253-0510

151st ARW SAPR

Phone: 801-245-2617
Website: https://www.151wg.af.mil/Base-Organizations/SAPR/

Suicide Prevention Program / Psychological Health
Address: 765 North 2200 West, Building 210
Phone: 801-245-2210
Website: https://www.151wg.af.mil/Base-Organizations/Psychological-Health/

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U.S. Air Force Reserve

419th Fighter Wing

419th FW insignia

Address: Hill Air Force Base
Phone: 801-777-2713
Website: https://www.419fw.afrc.af.mil/

DEERS / ID Card / CAC Office
Address: 7437 6th Street, Building 430
Phone: 801-777-0023
Site Locator & Appointments: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Site ID: 150026

Military and Family Readiness Programs

airman reading to a group of kids

419th Fighter Wing
Phone weekday: 801-775-2422 / 777-6387
Reserve weekend: 801-777-4681
Website: https://www.419fw.afrc.af.mil/About-Us/Family-Resources/

Hill AFB
Address: 5837 D Avenue, Building 150
Phone: 801-777-4681
Website: https://hillfss.com/military-and-family-readiness-center/

Religious Support
Phone: 801-775-2646 / 2647

AF Reserve Retiree Services
Air Reserve Personnel Center 
Address: 18420 E Silver Creek Avenue, Buckley AFB, CO 
Phone: 800-525-0102, option 5 then 2 
Website: https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/retirement/ 

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator
24/7 Hotline: 801-777-1985
Phone: 801-777-1950
Email: hill.sarc@us.af.mil
Website: https://www.hill.af.mil/Home/Sexual-Assault-Response-Coordinator/

Suicide Prevention Program/ Psychological Health
Phone: 801-657-1233

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Services may also be available at: Dugway Proving Ground and Tooele Army Depot.

For additional state resource information please see the MyAirForceBenefits - Utah Military and Veteran Benefits Fact Sheet.

Information on other military installations can be found at the Air Force Reserve Command, 88th Readiness Division, Joint Services Support for the National Guard, Military Installations and Directories of Services Lookup, MyArmyBenefits - Utah Resource Locator.

Additional information on the Military Health System is available at Health.mil.

Additional Housing information is available at Homes.mil.

For additional help with Suicide Prevention please dial 988

To reach the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response office call the DoD Safe Helpline at 877-995-5247 or toll-free at 202-540-5962. Or contact the VA facilities by calling 1-800-MyVA411 (1-800-698-2411, option 9). 

Document Review Date: 19 September 2024