State Taxes
Education Benefits
Employment Benefits
Unemployment Insurance
Motor Vehicle Titling and Registration Benefits
Health Insurance Benefits
Parks and Recreation Benefits
Miscellaneous Benefits
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Facilities in Missouri
Missouri Military Resource Locator
Summary of Missouri Military and Veterans Benefits: Missouri offers special benefits for its service members, Veterans and their Families including military retired pay and property tax exemptions, state employment preferences, education and tuition assistance, special military license plates, as well as hunting and fishing license privileges. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component, and Veteran disability status.
Missouri Veterans Commission, Veterans Service Officers: The Missouri Veterans Commission has trained Veterans Service Officers who can assist Veterans, retired service members and their Families find and apply for Veterans’ benefits under federal, state, and local laws. All their services are provided free of charge.
Missouri Veterans Commission, Veterans Service Officer Directory
Learn more about Missouri Veterans Commission, Veterans Service Officers
Missouri State Military and Veterans Benefit Highlights and Eligibility
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Tax Benefits?
Missouri Department of Revenue Military Liaison:The Missouri Department of Revenue has a Military Liaison to assist service members and their Families with questions about Missouri income tax and other issues. For more information, please contact the Missouri Department of Revenue:
Missouri Department of Revenue
Taxation Division
P.O. Box 2200
Jefferson City, MO 65105
Learn more about Missouri Department of Revenue Military Liaison
Missouri Active Duty Military Pay Income Tax Exemption: Resident service members serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces stationed outside Missouri who do not return to Missouri for more than 30 days during a taxable year are exempt taxes on their military pay. The service member’s military pay must have been included in their federal adjusted gross income to be eligible for the deduction.
Military pay received by a service member serving in the U.S. Armed Forces in a combat zone is exempt from Missouri Income tax.
service members are authorized a 180 day extension to file and pay any owed income tax until after their redeployment from service in a combat zone, while deployed outside the U.S. during a contingency operation, or after hospitalization for an injury, illness or disease they received during that service.
Learn more about Missouri Active Duty Military Income Tax Exemption
Missouri Income Taxes on Military Retired Pay: Military retired pay is exempt from Missouri income tax and can be deducted from Missouri adjusted gross income.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) does not withhold taxes for state or local income tax, but it is reported annually on IRS Form 1099-R. All TSP distributions are subject to state taxes and early distributions may incur higher taxes.
Learn more about Missouri Income Taxes on Military Retired Pay
Missouri Reserve Component Military Income Tax Deduction: Missouri is phasing in a complete deduction of military pay received by reserve component service members for inactive duty.
Military income will be deducted as follows:
- 2023 tax year, 80% of military income
- 2024 tax year and after, 100% deduction
Reserve component service members can deduct their military pay for service during their annual training and if they are activated for state or federal active duty.
To be eligible for these deductions the service member’s military pay must have been included in their federal adjusted gross income.
Learn more about the Missouri Reserve Component Military Income Tax Deduction
Nonresident spouses of Service Members are Exempt from Missouri Income Tax: A nonresident spouse of a nonresident service member, who is stationed in Missouri under military orders, is exempt from income taxes on wages earned in Missouri. The nonresident spouse must pay taxes (if required) to their state of residence.
Missouri Taxes on Military Disability Retirement Pay: Military disability retirement pay received as a pension, annuity or similar allowance for personal injury or sickness resulting from active service in the U.S. Armed Forces should not be included in taxable income. Some of the payments which are considered disability benefits include:
- Disability compensation and pension payments for disabilities paid to Veterans or their Families
- Grants for homes designed for wheelchair living
- Grants for motor vehicles for Veterans who lost their sight or the use of limbs, or
- Benefits under a dependent-care assistance program
See IRS Publication 525 for more information.
Missouri State Taxes on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC): DIC is a tax-free monetary benefit paid to eligible survivors of service members who died in the line of duty or eligible survivors of Veterans whose death resulted from a service-connected injury or disease.
Missouri State Tax Deduction for Military Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) and Retired Serviceman’s family Protection Plan (RSFPP) Annuities: For all tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, the Missouri adjusted gross income limitation will be removed when calculating a survivor annuity tax deduction.Survivors are authorized the following deductions:
- 2023 tax year - $44,683
- 2024 tax year - $46,381
For more information, please contact the Missouri Department of Revenue by calling 573-751-3505, or email
Missouri Department of Revenue, Pension Tax Year 2024 Frequently Asked Questions
Missouri Public Pension Exemption Information
Missouri Property Tax Exemption for Total Service-Connected Disabled Prisoners of War: Missouri residents who are former prisoners of war and have a 100% total service-connected disability are eligible for a complete property tax exemption on their homestead.
For more information and to apply, please contact the Missouri County Assessor’s Office where the property is located.
Missouri State Tax Commission Directory
Missouri Personal Property Tax Credit for 100% Disabled Veterans: The Missouri Property Tax Credit gives credit to eligible resident Veterans who have a service-connected 100% disability rating from the VA for a portion of the real estate taxes or rent paid for the year. The credit is for up to a maximum of $750 for renters and up to $1,100 for homeowners.
The income limits for this benefit are:
- Renters and part year owners - $27,200 or less for single filers; $29,200 or less for married filing combined
- Owned and occupied home for entire year - $30,000 or less for single filers, $34,000 or less for married filing combined
Renters who rent from a tax free facility are not eligible. For more information and to apply, please contact the Missouri County Assessor’s Office where the property is located.
Missouri State Tax Commission Directory
Missouri Department of Revenue, Property Tax Credit Qualification Chart
Learn more about the Missouri Personal Property Tax Credit for 100% Disabled Veterans
Missouri Social Security Income Tax Exemption: For all tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, all Social Security benefits are exempt from Missouri income tax for individuals who are 62 years of age or older.
Learn more about the Missouri Social Security Income Tax Exemption
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Education Benefits?
Missouri Wartime Veteran's Survivors Grant Program: The Missouri Wartime Veteran'sSurvivors education grant is provided annually to the children and spouses of Veterans whose death or injuries were a result of combat.
The total number of students who may receive a grant each year is limited to 25. Students are eligible until they earn a bachelor’s degree.
Grant amounts will be for the actual educational cost up to the following amounts:
- Resident tuition charged at the University of Missouri, Columbia
- $2,000 per semester for room and board
- $500 for books
Who is eligible for the Missouri Wartime Veteran's Survivors Grant Program? The Veteran must have been a service member serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces on or after September 11, 2001, during a period of armed conflict. The Veteran must have received combat pay tax exclusion exemption, hazardous duty pay, imminent danger pay, or hostile fire pay at the time of injury or death to be eligible.
Veterans must have been a Missouri resident when first entering the U.S. Armed Forces or at the time of death or injury and meet one of the following requirements:
- Died or was injured as a result of combat
- Death or injury is the result of an illness or injury that occurred while serving in combat (certified by the VA)
- Has an 80% service-connected disability rating from the VA that is the result of service in combat
The Veteran’s spouse and children must meet the following requirements to be eligible:
- U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or otherwise lawfully present in the U.S.
- Enrolled or accepted for enrollment at least half-time in a participating college or university
- Under 25 years old for children (through the end of the semester in which they turn 25)
- Dependent of the Veteran at the time of death or injury or within five years after the injury
Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and meet satisfactory academic progress requirements as defined by the school to continue receiving grants. Students can apply online by using the Missouri State Financial Aid Portal.
Missouri Department of Higher Education Participating Institutions List
Application Instructions for Missouri Veteran's Survivor Grant
Learn more about the Missouri Wartime Veteran's Survivors Grant Program
Missouri National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program (STA): Missouri STA provides tuition assistance to eligible Missouri National Guard service members pursuing an undergraduate degree or below. STA can be used for up to 39 semester hours per state fiscal year (1 July – 30 June) up to the tuition rate charged at the University of Missouri, Columbia. service members are authorized to take 15 credit hours in the spring and fall semesters and up to nine credit hours during a summer session, with a lifetime limit of 150 undergraduate credit hours. service members can use federal tuition in conjunction with STA.
Who is eligible for the Missouri National Guard STA? To be eligible students must be currently serving Missouri National Guard service members in good standing (not flagged for adverse action) and meet the following requirements:
- U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Enrolled, or has been accepted for enrollment, as a full-time or part-time undergraduate student in an approved private or public institution
- Never been convicted of an offense that involved the use of force, disruption or seizure of higher education property that prevented officials or students from engaging in their duties or pursuing their studies
- May not be used for theology or divinity degrees
- Maintains a 2.5 cumulative GPA
service members can apply up to 60 days prior to the class start date, but no later than the day prior to the class start date, applications must be submitted for each semester.
Missouri Air National Guard service members can submit their applications and any required supporting documentation via email to
The Adjutant General of Missouri
2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101-120
For more information contact the Missouri National Guard Education Services Office at 573-638-9500 extension 37971 or 39637.
Missouri National Guard State Tuition Assistance Application and Statement of Understanding
Missouri National Guard State Tuition Assistance Fact Sheet
Learn more about the about the Missouri National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program
Missouri Returning Heroes Act: The Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act requires Missouri public postsecondary educational institutions to only charge combat Veterans $50 per credit hour for undergraduate degrees and 30% of the cost of tuition and fees for graduate students.
Who is eligible for the Missouri Returning Heroes Act? To be eligible for assistance Veterans must meet the following requirements:
- Served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces in an area designated as a combat zone after September 11, 2001, for at least 30 consecutive days
- Eligible to vote (or to register to vote) in Missouri or a current Missouri resident
- Received an honorable discharge
- Enrolled in a certificate, undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking program
Combat Zones Recognized by the IRS
To be eligible for renewal Veterans must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA each semester. Interested Veterans should contact their educational institution’s financial aid office.
Missouri Department of Higher Education List of Public Institution for Higher Education
Learn more about the Missouri Returning Heroes Act
Missouri Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military children (MIC3): The purpose of this compact is to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military Families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents by:
- Facilitating the prompt enrollment of children of military Families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty in the transfer of educational records from the previous school district or variations in entrance or age requirements
- Facilitating the student placement process through which children of military Families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, sequencing, grading, course content or assessment. Facilitating the qualification and eligibility for enrollment, educational programs and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic and social activities
- Facilitating the on-time graduation of children of military Families
- Providing for the enforcement of administrative rules implementing the provisions of this compact
- Providing for the uniform collection and sharing of information between and among member states, schools and military Families under this compact
- Promoting coordination between this compact and other compacts affecting military children
- Promoting flexibility and cooperation between the educational system, parents and the student in order to achieve educational success for the student
Primary Point of Contact
Phone: 573-286-4441
Learn more about the Missouri Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military children
Missouri Purple Star School Designation for Military-Friendly Schools: The Missouri Purple Star School designation recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and Families connected to the U.S. Armed Forces. Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display on site.
For a school to qualify for the Purple Star designation they must appoint a school liaison who is specially trained to handle the unique challenges experienced by military Families. This liaison will ensure that other teachers at their school are aware of special considerations that students from military Families can benefit from. Each school will also have a dedicated page on their school website featuring resources for military Families. For more information, please email
Military Child Education Coalition Purple Star School Program
Learn more about the Missouri Purple Star School Designation for Military-Friendly Schools
Missouri “Operation Recognition” Honorary Diplomas for Wartime Veterans: Missouri will award honorary high school diplomas to Veterans who left school prior to graduation to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces during a time of war. Diplomas may be issued for public or private schools and even for schools that no longer exist.
Who is eligible for Missouri “Operation Recognition” Honorary Diplomas for Wartime Veterans? Honorary diplomas may be issued to current and former resident Veterans who received an honorable discharge and never completed their high school education.
Applicants must submit a completed application and provide a copy of their DD214 or discharge paperwork as proof of eligibility to the Missouri Veterans Commission (forwarding instructions are on the application). family members may apply for the honorary diploma on behalf of a deceased Veteran. For more information, please call 573-751-3779.
Missouri Veteran's Commission Application for Honorary High School Diplomas for Missouri Veterans and Civilian Prisoners of War
Learn more about Missouri “Operation Recognition” Honorary Diplomas for Wartime Veterans
Missouri Residency for Education Purposes for Service Members, Veterans and family Members: Missouri offers residency for education purposes for service members, Veterans and family members.
Exemption from Proof of Residency for Students: Students who move to live with extended family or in a military family support community because one or both of their parents are under state or federal active duty orders may attend school in the school district where they are staying. If their parent’s active duty orders end during the school year, the Child may finish the school year in that district.
In-State Tuition Eligibility for Discharged Service Members: Honorably discharged Veterans who recently separated from the U.S. Armed Forces who move to and declare intent to become a Missouri resident are considered Missouri residents for admission and tuition purposes at public two and four year institutions of higher education. If attending a community college Veterans must live in the taxing district of the community college, they are attending.
In-State Tuition Eligibility for Reserve Component Service Members: Current members of the Missouri National Guard and the U.S. Armed Forces Reserves receive in-state residency status for tuition purposes at any public four-year institution of higher education, or in-district residency status for any two-year public institution.
Military Dependent Residency: The dependent of a nonresident active duty service member assigned to a duty station in Missouri is eligible for in-state tuition and will remain eligible as long as they are continuously enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program.
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Employment Benefits?
Missouri State Employees Leave for Military Duty: State employees who are service members serving in the National Guard or the U.S. Armed Forces Reserves are authorized a leave of absence with pay for 120 work hours per federal fiscal year for required military duty. service members are authorized leave without reduction of pay, benefits or performance appraisals.
Permanent state employees can be granted a leave of absence without pay for the following military duty:
Involuntarily inducted into U.S. Armed Forces
- Reserve component service member called to active duty
- Voluntarily enters the U.S. Armed Forces for up to five years
- Service members subject to an involuntary extension
- Attending required active and inactive duty training
- To attend basic training
Who is eligible for Missouri State Employees Leave for Military Duty? National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve service members who are state employees are eligible for military leave.
Learn more about Missouri State Employees Leave for Military Duty
Military Experience Allowed for Missouri Professional License Qualifications: All professional licensing boards or commissions in Missouri are required to accept applicable military education, training, or experience toward the qualification requirements for professional licenses or certifications.
Learn more about Military Experience Allowed for Missouri Professional License Qualifications
Missouri Professional License Extensions due to Military Service: Reserve component service members who hold a Missouri professional license or certification and are ordered to active duty are not required to attend continuing education or training during their active duty service. After returning from active duty, they will not have to make up or retake any training or education missed during that time.
Missouri Division of Professional Registration
Learn more about Missouri Professional License Extensions due to Military Service
Missouri Professional License Reciprocity for Service Members: A service member who has a valid professional license from another state, territory or through a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces may apply for a Missouri professional license.
The service member must have been licensed for at least one year in another jurisdiction and will be authorized to apply for a license in the same profession and same practice level.
Missouri Division of Professional Registration
Learn more about Missouri Professional License Reciprocity for Service Members
Missouri Professional Licenses for Nonresident Military spouses: Missouri State agencies or boards that regulate occupations or professions will issue temporary courtesy licenses to the qualified nonresident spouse of an active duty service member who is reassigned to a duty station in Missouri.
In addition, all professional licensing boards and commissions are required to give active duty military spouses priority when processing applications. For more information and qualification requirements for specific professions please contact:
Missouri Division of Professional Registration
3605 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 1335
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1335
Phone: 573-751-0293
Missouri Division of Professional Registration
Learn more about Missouri Professional Licenses for Nonresident Military spouses
Health-Related Professional License Extension While on Active Duty: The Missouri health-related professional license or certificate of a reserve component service member who is called to active duty, will remain active and in good standing until six months after their release from active duty.
Learn more about Health-Related Professional License Extension While on Active Duty
Missouri Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists: The Missouri Division of Workforce Development has staff located throughout the state to specifically assist Veterans, transitioning service members and their spouses. LVERs facilitate or help in job placement, accessing needed services, and advocate for Veterans by developing employment opportunities. DVOP Specialists provide case management and develop career and job training opportunities for Veterans, with a special emphasis on Veterans who have service-connected disabilities. All services at Missouri Job Centers are provided free of charge.
Services Include:
- Career and training guidance through group or individual counseling
- Skills assessment
- Individual employment plan
- Job readiness assessments, including interviews and testing
- Referrals to job search tools and training providers
- Assistance with resumes, cover letters, and interviewing skills
- Job placement assistance and job search workshops
- Labor market information
- Computer assistance and internet access
- Online job application assistance
- Referrals to jobs, supportive services, and training resources
Financial Assistance up to $1,500:
- For overdue bills
- Childcare expenses related to training and employment
- Transportation expenses related to training and employment
For more information or assistance please call a Missouri Job Center at 888-728-5627.
Missouri Office of Workforces Development, Services for Military Community Information
Missouri Job Center Directory
Missouri Priority of Service for Veterans Employment and Training Programs: State agencies that administer federally funded employment and training programs for Veterans, are required to give priority to qualified Veterans and their spouse.
Who is eligible for Priority of Service for Veterans Employment and Training Programs? For Veterans to be eligible they must have served at least one day on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and received an honorable discharge. Active duty for training does not count for this requirement.
The spouse or unremarried spouse of the following are also eligible:
- Veteran who died of a service-connected disability
- Service member serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces who is listed for 90 or more days as one of the following:
- Missing in action
- Captured in the line of duty by a hostile force
- Forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power
- Veteran who has a total service-connected disability rating from the VA
- Veteran who died while a disability was in existence
Department of Labor, Training and Employment Guidance Letter
Missouri Employment Veterans Hiring Preferences: Missouri offers Veterans preference when hiring for state employment. When an examination is used to establish eligible applicants Veterans, Surviving spouses of Veterans, disabled Veterans or the spouse of a disabled Veteran will receive preference in hiring
Who is eligible for Missouri Employment Veterans Hiring Preferences? Preference in hiring is offered to the following Missouri residents:
5 Point Eligibility:
- Served on active duty for at least six consecutive months (unless released early due to a service-connected disability or a reduction in force) and received an honorable discharge
- Called to active duty and participated in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge or service medal has been authorized and received an honorable discharge
- Served for at least six years in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces
- Spouse of an honorably discharged disabled Veteran who is unqualified for state employment due to their service-connected disability.
- Unremarried Surviving spouse of an honorably discharged disabled Veteran
- Unremarried Surviving spouse of a service member killed while serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
- Unremarried Surviving spouse of a Missouri National Guard service member killed while serving on state active duty
10 Point eligibility: Resident Veterans who receive compensation from the VA for a service-connected disability, or a former Missouri National Guard service member who was permanently disabled while serving on state active duty are eligible.
Missouri Application for Employment
Learn more about Missouri Employment Veterans Hiring Preferences
Missouri Private Employers May Grant Veterans Hiring Preference: Missouri private employers are authorized to have a Veterans’ preference policy for hiring and promotion of a Veteran, spouse of a disabled Veteran who has a service-connected total and permanent disability, or to a Surviving spouse of a deceased Veteran.
Learn more about how Missouri Private Employers May Grant Veterans Hiring Preference
Missouri State Employees Retirement System (MOSERS) Service Credit for Veterans: MOSERS members who are Veterans or reserve component service members can purchase up to four years of active duty military service credit for military service that occurred prior to becoming a member. This includes active duty for training.
MOSERS members who take military leave to serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed forces and return to their state employment can receive credit for the length of time they are served on active duty. State employees who are called to active duty can continue their life insurance coverage and long-term disability coverage for one year if they continue to pay any required premiums.
For more information, please call 800-827-1063, 573-632-6100, or email
MOSERS Benefits During Military Leave
Summary of Missouri State Employees' Retirement Plans
MOSERS Contact Information
Learn more about Missouri State Employees Retirement System Benefits for Veterans
Missouri Show-Me Heroes On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program: Show-Me Heroes offers full timepermanent OJT opportunities to eligible Veterans and their spouses.
The Show-Me Heroes program reimburses 50% of the wages of workers hired through the program for up to 1,040 hours.
Show-Me Heroes maintains a list of all employers who have signed the pledge to hire a Missouri Veteran and will help Veterans post their resume.
Who is eligible for the Missouri Show-Me Heroes OJT Program? Most Veterans who are honorably discharged and are within five years of their discharge date or spouses of currently deployed or recently discharged eligible Veterans can participate.
For more information and to confirm eligibility contact the nearest Missouri Job Center or call 888-728-5627.
Show-Me Heroes Flyer
Learn more about the Missouri Show-Me Heroes On-the-Job Training Program
Federal Employment Veterans’ Hiring Preferences: By Federal law, Veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over non-Veterans in hiring into the Federal civil service and in retention during reduction in force. Veterans may be entitled to 5 or 10 points included in any scoring process for examination or interviews.
5-point Hiring Preference: Five points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served:
- During a war, or
- During the period April 28, 1952, through July 1, 1955, or
- For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred after January 31, 1955, and before October 15, 1976, or
- During the Gulf War from August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992, or
- For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred during the period beginning September 11, 2001, and ending on August 31, 2010, the last day of Operation Iraqi Freedom, or
- In a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized. Any Armed Forces Expeditionary medal or campaign badge, including El Salvador, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Southwest Asia, Somalia, and Haiti, qualifies for preference
10-point Compensable Disability (CP) Preference: Ten points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of at least 10% but less than 30% .
10-Point 30% Compensable Disability Preference (CPS): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of 30% or more.
10-Point Disability Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of:
- Veteran who served at any time and has a present service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or the VA but does not qualify as a CP or CPS, or
- Veteran who received a Purple Heart
10-Point Derived Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of spouses, Surviving spouses, or mothers of Veterans. Both a mother and a spouse (including Surviving spouse) may be entitled to preference based on the same Veteran's service if they both meet the requirements. However, neither may receive preference if the Veteran is living and is qualified for Federal employment.
Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of the spouse of a disabled Veteran who is disqualified for a federal position along the general lines of their usual occupation because of a service-connected disability. Such a disqualification may be presumed when the Veteran is unemployed and:
- Is rated by appropriate military or VA authorities to be 100% disabled and/or unemployable, or
- Has retired, been separated, or resigned from a civil service position because of a disability that is service-connected in origin, or
- Has attempted to obtain a civil service position or other position along the lines of their usual occupation and has failed to qualify because of a service-connected disability
Preference may be allowed in other circumstances but anything less than the above warrants a more careful analysis.
A campaign medal holder or Gulf War Veteran who originally enlisted after September 7, 1980, (or began active duty on or after October 14, 1982, and has not previously completed 24 months of continuous active duty) must have served continuously for 24 months or the full period called or ordered to active duty. The 24-month service requirement does not apply to 10-point preference eligible Veterans separated for disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, or to Veterans separated for hardship or other reasons under Title 10 U.S.C. 1171 or 1173.
Learn more about Federal Employment Veterans' Hiring Preferences
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): USERRA protects civilian job rights and benefits for Veterans and members of reserve components. USERRA also protects service member rights and benefits by clarifying the law, improving enforcement mechanisms, and adding Federal Government employees to those employees already eligible to receive Department of Labor assistance in processing claims.
Absence from Work for Military Duty: USERRA establishes the cumulative length of time that an individual may be absent from work formilitary duty and retain reemployment rights to five years. Exceptions to the five-year limit, include initial enlistments lasting more than five years, periodic National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve training duty, and involuntary active duty extensions and recalls, especially during a time of national emergency. USERRA establishes that reemployment protection does not depend on the timing, frequency, duration, or nature of an individual's service if the basic eligibility criteria are met.
Disability Accommodation: USERRA provides protection for disabled Veterans, requiring employers to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the disability. Service members recovering from injuries received during service or training may have up to two years from the date of completion of service to return to their jobs or apply for reemployment.
Return to Work without Loss of Seniority: USERRA provides that returning service members are reemployed in the job that they would have attained had they not been absent for military service, with the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits determined by seniority. USERRA also requires that reasonable efforts (such as training or retraining) be made to enable returning service members to refresh or upgrade their skills to help them qualify for reemployment. USERRA also provides that while an individual is performing military service, they are deemed to be on a furlough or leave of absence and are entitled to the non-seniority rights accorded other individuals on non-military leaves of absence.
Extension of Health and Pension Plans: Health and pension plan coverage for service members is provided for by USERRA. Individuals performing military duty of more than 30 days may elect to continue employer sponsored health care for up to 24 months; however, they may be required to pay up to102% of the full premium. For military service of less than 31 days, health care coverage is provided as if the service member had remained employed. USERRA clarifies pension plan coverage by making explicit that all pension plans are protected.
Who is eligible for USERRA Benefits? Veterans, U.S. Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard service members who leave a position for training or active military service are eligible.
The Department of Labor, through the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) helps all who have claims under USERRA, including Federal and Postal Service employees.
VETS Regional Office Locations
Learn more about Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Free Criminal Background Checks by the Missouri Highway Patrol for Homeless Veterans Employment: The Missouri Highway Patrol will provide free criminal background checks for honorably discharged homeless Veterans when they are seeking employment, housing, or any other service requiring a background check.
Missouri Highway Patrol Criminal Record Check Webpage
Missouri Hilton Honors Military Program: The Missouri Hilton Honors Military Program helps make the career transition from service in the U.S. Armed Forces to civilian employment easier for current and former service members. The Hilton Honors Military Program will provide hotel accommodations for required travel while they are looking for a new job, training for a new job, or finding housing. Those eligible can receive up to a total of 100,000 hotel points for verifiable employment-related activities. To enroll applicants must have a Hilton Honors account and are required to register on the MoJobs webpage.
Those interested should visit their nearest Missouri Job Center and provide staff with job search activity, location and date(s) of event. Staff will complete the referral form and forward it for approval by the Office of Workforce Development. For more information, please call 888-728-5627.
Missouri Hilton Honors Military Flyer
Learn more about the Missouri Hilton Honors Military Program
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Unemployment Insurance Benefits?
Missouri Unemployment Insurance (UI): UI provides temporary financial assistance for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. UI is a partial, short-term replacement of lost wages while workers are seeking other work and is not intended to be a permanent source of income. Benefits are not based on financial need.
To be eligible for UI benefits, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Lose their job through no fault of their own or quit for good cause
- Make enough during their base period to be eligible for UI
Eligibility for Unemployment Benefits
Information required to file a UI claim:
- Social Security number
- Gross earnings for the week including vacation, holiday, or severance pay
- Name, address, and dates of employment for each employer in the last 18 months
- Banking information including routing and account number (for direct deposit)
Workers should file for UI as soon as they are separated from their employer using the UINTERACT, Missouri Online Unemployment System. For questions or assistance, please contact a Regional Claims Center representative.
Regional Claims Centers
Jefferson City - 573-751-9040
Kansas City - 816-889-3101
St. Louis - 314-340-4950
Springfield - 417-895-6851
Outside Local Calling Area - 800-320-2519
Missouri Division of Employment Security, How to file UI Fact Sheet
Military spouses who quit their job for relocation due to military orders and recently separated Veterans who meet eligibility requirements may apply for UI benefits. Applicants applying under these conditions should select the “Quit-Resigned" as the reason for separation from your employer.
Military spouse Related UI Benefits
Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service Members
Learn more about Missouri Unemployment Insurance
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Motor Vehicle Titling and Registration Benefits?
“VETERAN” Designation on Missouri Driver License or State ID Card: Missouri offers a “VETERAN designation on the back of Missouri driver licenses and ID cards for honorably discharged Veterans.
Veterans are required to provide a copy of discharge documents that indicate they received an honorable discharge.
Acceptable documents:
- DD214
- U.S. Uniformed Services ID Card, that shows a discharge status of "Retired" or "Reserve Retired"
- VA photo ID card
- WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78 PD, NAVCG 553, or DD215
After the designation is added, Veterans are not required to resubmit a verification document. There is no additional cost to add the indicator; however, the standard new, renewal or duplicate transaction and processing fees will apply. Veterans can apply at any Missouri Motor Vehicle and Driver License Office location.
Learn more about “VETERAN” Designation on Missouri Driver License or State ID Card
Missouri Department of Revenue, Military Driver and Motor Vehicle Benefits: The Missouri Department of Revenue offers several driver and motor vehicle benefits for service members, family members and Veterans.
Renewal of Driver Documents: Missouri allows early renewal of driver licenses, permits, or non-driver licenses for individuals leaving the state or country. An applicant can apply for early renewal at a local license office prior to leaving the state.
Missouri Motor Vehicle and Driver License Office Locations
Missouri allows renewal by mail, email or fax for service members and their dependents. Applicants should submit the Missouri Department of Revenue, Mail in Driver License Application (Form-4317) to the Missouri Department of Revenue. Submission information and required documentation is listed on the form.
Service members who are discharged from active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces have 90 days to establish residency or six months from the date of discharge, whichever is sooner, to renew an expired driver’s license without taking the full examination.
Driver License Suspensions and Revocations to be Stayed: Missouri driver license suspensions and revocations may be delayed for service members serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Suspensions and revocations will remain in a stayed status until 60 days after discharge. For information on how to get your license reinstated or driver record information please call 573-526-2407.
Registration Renewal Penalty Exemption: Service members may renew an expired motor vehicle registration up to 60 days after discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces without a renewal penalty.
Titling and Inspections: Service members may authorize another individual to sign the General Affidavit (Form-768) indicating the vehicle is out-of-state and will be inspected within 10 days after returning to Missouri.
Service members have 180 days after discharge before a title penalty is assessed on the purchase of a motor vehicle, trailer, boat, outboard motor, all-terrain vehicle, or manufactured home.
Active duty service members who sell a vehicle and are deployed before a new vehicle can be purchased are allowed an extension of 180 days after return from their deployment to purchase a vehicle and receive the tax allowance.
Learn more about Missouri Department of Revenue, Military Driver, and Motor Vehicle Benefits
Missouri Military and Veterans Specialty License Plates: The Missouri Department of Revenue offers 48 specialty military license plates to honor the service and sacrifice of Veterans, retired service members, service members and family members. Each plate has specific eligibility and documentation requirements.
All license plates may be requested using the Application for Missouri Military Personalized License Plates (Form-4601). Information regarding eligibility and documentation requirements can be found at the at the bottom of the page at the Missouri Personalized and Specialty License Plates webpage, under Choose a Design Category and Plate, select Military from the left drop down menu then choose the plate design from the right drop down menu.
Acceptable proof of eligibility documents:
- Form WD AGO 53-55
- Official Discharge Order from the U.S. Armed Forces
- General Orders
- Form NGB 22
- DD214 or DD215
- Current Military ID Card
Applications must be completed, signed, and submitted with copies of required documentation and fee (noted on the front of the application) to:
Motor Vehicle Bureau
301 West High Street - Room 370
P.O. Box 569
Jefferson City, MO 65105-0569
Phone: 573-526-3669 Email:
Missouri Medal of Honor License Plate: One free set of Missouri Medal of Honor license plates are available for Missouri residents who are Medal of Honor recipients. Applicants must submit a letter from the VA verifying they were awarded the Medal of Honor.
Missouri Purple Heart License Plate: One free set of Missouri Purple Heart license plates are available for Missouri residents who are Purple Heart recipients. Applicants must submit official documentation verifying they were awarded the Purple Heart.
Missouri Disabled Veteran License Plate: One free set of Missouri Disabled Veteran license plates are available for honorably discharged resident Veterans who have a service-connected disability. Veterans must submit a letter from the VA dated within six months verifying they have a service-connected disability. If requesting the wheelchair accessibility symbol, the applicant must also submit a signed Physician's Statement for Disabled License Plates and Placards (Form-1776).
Missouri Disabled Veteran License Plate Fact Sheet
Missouri U.S. Veteran License Plate: Missouri resident Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and received an honorable discharge are eligible for the Missouri U.S. Vet license plate. Applicants must submit official documentation verifying they received an honorable discharge.
Missouri Some Gave All (Gold Star) License Plate: Immediate family members of a service member who died in the line of duty while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for the Missouri Some Gave All (Gold Star) license plate. Applicants must make a $25 donation to the Missouri Department of Veterans of Foreign Wars (MOVFW). MOVFW will issue an Emblem Use Authorization Statement that is required for applications to be processed.
MOVFW Contact Information
Learn more about Missouri Military and Veterans Specialty License Plates
Missouri Commercial Driver Exam (CDL) Exemptions: Missouri offers CDL testing exemptions to eligible honorably discharged Veterans and service members.
CDL Military Skills Test Waiver: Missouri allows current and former service members who have military commercial vehicle driving training and experience a waiver of the skills test portion of a CDL license. Applicants must have been regularly employed within one year prior to application in a job requiring operation of a commercial motor vehicle and operated that vehicle for at least the two years immediately prior to separation from the military. This option only allows a waiver of the skills testing and does not include the knowledge testing requirement.
Missouri Department of Revenue, Application for Military CDL Skills Test Waiver
CDL Even Exchange: Missouri allows current or former service members who served in designated military occupational specialties a waiver of knowledge and skills testing requirements when applying for a CDL. Applicants must have been regularly employed within one year prior to application in a job requiring operation of a commercial motor vehicle and operated that vehicle for at least the two years immediately prior to separation from the military.
Designated military occupational specialties:
- Army - 88M, 14T, 92F
- Air Force - 2T1, 2F0, 3E2
- Marine Corps - 3531
- Navy - EO
Missouri Department of Revenue, Application for Military CDL Even Exchange
Learn more about the Missouri Commercial Driver Exam Exemptions
Waiver of Missouri Motorcycle Skills Testing for Military Service Members: Active duty service members serving in the U.S. Armed Forces who completed a military Motorcycle Rider Training Course that meets or exceeds the standards of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation can receive a waiver of the written examination and driving skills when requesting a motorcycle endorsement on a Missouri driver license.
Learn more about Waiver of Missouri Motorcycle Skills Testing for Military Service Members
Free Parking for Certain Missouri Veterans and Service Members: Service members and Veterans who have certain specialty license plates can park their vehicle (weighing less than 6,000 lbs.) for free in metered parking spaces and in parking lots or garages on a Missouri public college or university (does not apply during special event parking).
To be eligible Veterans and service members must have the following Missouri License plates:
- Medal of Honor
- Prisoner of War
- Purple Heart
- Silver Star
- Navy Cross
- Bronze Star with and without “V” device
- Distinguished Flying Cross
Learn more about Free Parking for Certain Missouri Veterans and Service Members
Missouri Military Award Placard: The Missouri Military Award Placard is a removable placard that authorizes free parking for eligible Veterans. Veterans may park their motor vehicle (weighing less than 6,000 pounds) in the following locations:
- Metered parking spaces (must be approved by local authorities)
- Parking lot or garage on any Missouri public college or university (does not apply during special event parking)
Military Award Placards may be issued to Veterans who received one of the following medals:
- Distinguished Service Cross
- Air Force Cross
- Coast Guard Cross
- Medal of Honor*
- Former Prisoner of War*
- Purple Heart*
- Silver Star*
- Navy Cross*
- Distinguished Flying Cross*
- Bronze Star*
- Bronze Star Valor*
*Specialty license plate available
To request a placard, the applicant must submit a completed and signed Application for Missouri Military Personalized License Plates (Form-4601) and have already received one of the specialty plates listed above, or provide a copy of one of the following documents as proof of eligibility:
- Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD214, DD215)
- Award citation
There is no fee charged for the placard. Those eligible may apply at a local Missouri Motor Vehicle and Driver License Office or by mailing required documentation and their application to:
Motor Vehicle Bureau
301 West High Street - Room 370
P.O. Box 569
Jefferson City, MO 65105-0569
Learn more about the Missouri Military Award Placard
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Health and Insurance Benefits?
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance: The VA provides valuable life insurance benefits to Veterans, active and reserve component service members and their Families to provide financial security given the extraordinary risks involved in military Service. The VA provides the following life insurance benefit programs:
- Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
- Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI)
- Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI)
- Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection Program (TSGLI)
- Service-Disabled Veterans’ Life Insurance (S-DVI)
- Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI)
Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance
TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance: TRICARE Reserve Select is a premium-based plan, available worldwide for Selected Reserve, (U.S. Armed Forces Reserve and National Guard service members) and their Families who meet the following qualifications:
- Not on active duty orders
- Not covered under the Transitional Assistance Management Program
- Not eligible for or enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program or currently covered under FEHB, either under their own eligibility or through a family member
This plan provides comprehensive health care coverage when a service member is not on active duty and covered by active duty TRICARE benefits.
Learn more about TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance
Missouri National Guard Compensation for Illness, Injury, Disability or Death While on State Active Duty: Missouri National Guard service members who are injured, become ill, disabled or die while serving on state active duty are eligible for medical coverage and compensation under Missouri Workers' Compensation Laws.
Who is eligible for Missouri National Guard Compensation for Illness, Injury, Disability or Death While on State Active Duty? Missouri National Guard members who suffer illness, injury, disability, or death in the line of duty while serving on state active duty are eligible.
Missouri National Guard State Sponsored Life Insurance: SSLI offered through the Missouri National Guard Association (MoNGA) to Missouri National Guard service members is made up of several voluntary group life policies that are designed to help meet the needs of National Guard service members and their Families. Every member of the Missouri National Guard is covered with $1,000 SSLI at no cost to the service member.
Key Benefits of the SSLI:
- Coverage can continue after retirement or separation
- Membership in MoNGA is not a requirement to purchase coverage
- Payments can be payroll deducted
- Multiple coverage options for service members, their spouse and dependents
- Coverage available until age 70
Who is eligible for Missouri National Guard State Sponsored Life Insurance? Missouri National Guard service members and their dependents are eligible for MoNGA SSLI. For more information, please call 573-200-6835 or email
SSLI Information
Learn more about Missouri National Guard State Sponsored Life Insurance
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Parks and Recreation Benefits?
Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) Service Member and Veteran Benefits: The MDC offers several benefits for service members and Veterans. A short description of these benefits is listed below:
Missouri Resident National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Service Members SmallGame Hunting and Fishing Permits: Missouri resident service members serving in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces who have been called to federal active duty in the past 12 months are eligible for a reduced cost permit to hunt small game, fish, and trap. This permit is only $5.50 compared to $19 for a regular small game and fishing permit. Service members can apply at the Missouri Department of Conservation, MDC Online webpage.
Free or Reduced Cost Missouri Fishing and Hunting Licenses for Service Members and Veterans: Honorably discharged disabled Veterans or service members can fish and hunt without a permit (does not include trapping). Hunting permits are still required for deer, turkey, and migratory bird as well as any conservation stamps. Veterans and service members must meet one of the following requirements to be eligible:
- Has a service-connected disability of 60% or more
- Former prisoner of war
- Assigned as a patient to a Warrior Transition Brigade, Warrior Transition Unit, or military medical center
Veterans and service members must carry a certified statement of eligibility from the VA or orders showing assignment to a Warrior Transition Brigade, Warrior Transition Unit or military medical center whenever hunting or fishing.
Missouri Resident Hunting and Fishing Permits for Nonresident Active Duty Service Members and Veterans: Nonresident service members stationed in Missouri and their family members living with them may purchase Missouri permits for resident prices.
Missouri Resident Department of Conservation Permits for Active Duty Service Members Stationed Out of State: Resident active duty service members stationed out of state and their family members living with them may purchase Missouri permits for resident prices.
Missouri Service Member Permit Reinstatement after Deployment: Service members who bought a Missouri hunting, fishing, or trapping permit and could not use it for the full season because they were ordered out of state qualify for a free reinstatement of the permit when they return.
Learn more about Missouri Department of Conservation Service Member and Veteran Benefits
Missouri Camping Discounts for Veterans, Active Duty Service Members, and their family Members: Service members, Veterans and family members of active duty service members are eligible for a $2 per night discount on camping fees year-round at Missouri State Parks. Those eligible must show a Military Common Access Card, Uniformed Services ID card, VA ID card or Missouri driver’s license or ID card with a “Veteran” designation at check in to receive their discount.
Missouri State Parks Military Discount Flyer
What are my Missouri Military and Veterans State Miscellaneous Benefits?
Missouri Homeless Veterans Assistance: VA Medical Centers in Missouri have a Homeless Veterans Coordinator who can provide information about the services available for homeless Veterans through the VA. Each VA facility is unique, and services vary among each medical center. Homeless Veterans who need assistance after hours, should contact the nearest VA medical center emergency room.
VA Facilities in Missouri
Learn more about Missouri Homeless Veterans Assistance
Missouri Veterans Homes: Missouri has seven nursing homes that provide long-term skilled nursing care at minimal cost to Veterans.
Cameron Veterans Home
1111 Euclid
Cameron, MO 64429
Phone: 816-632-6010
Fax: 816-632-1361
Cape Girardeau Veterans Home
2400 Veterans Memorial Drive
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Phone: 573-290-5870
Fax: 573-290-5909
Mexico Veterans Home
#1 Veterans' Drive
Mexico, MO 65265
Phone: 573-581-1088
Fax: 573-581-5356
1600 S. Hickory
Mt Vernon, MO 65712
Phone: 417-466-7103
Fax: 417-466-4040
St. James Veterans Home
620 N. Jefferson
St. James, MO 65559
Phone: 573-265-3271
Fax: 573-582-0872
St. Louis Veterans Home
10600 Lewis and Clark Boulevard
St Louis, MO 63136
Phone: 314-340-6389
Fax: 314-340-6350
Warrensburg Veterans Home
1300 Veterans Road
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Phone: 660-543-5064
Fax: 660-543-5075
Each Missouri Veterans Home has a licensed nursing home administrator, registered nurses on duty 24 hours per day, and provides the following services:
- Physician care
- Physical, speech, occupational and recreational therapies
- Medications
- Cosmetology
- Maintenance, environmental, laundry and dietary specialists
- Medical and personal care supplies
- Social services
Who is eligible for Care at the Missouri Veterans Homes? To be eligible for admission at a Missouri Veterans Home, the Veteran must meet the following requirements:
- Meet eligibility requirements for the VA health care
- Resident of Missouri for 180 consecutive days immediately prior to application
- Physically living in Missouri or proof of ownership of a residential home in Missouri
- Not on a sex offender registry
- Not have a criminal history including conviction, guilty plea or nolo contendere in any state of a Class A or B felony
- Must require 24 hour skilled nursing care
- Veterans Home must be able to accommodate the Veteran’s condition
For questions and to start the admissions process, please contact the Admissions Coordinator at the Veterans Home.
Missouri Veterans Homes Admission information
Missouri Veterans Home Application Packet
Learn more about Missouri Veterans Homes
Missouri State Veterans Cemeteries: Missouri has five State Veterans Cemeteries that provide a dignified final resting place for Veterans and their eligible family members.
Bloomfield Veterans Cemetery
17357 Stars and Stripes Way
Bloomfield, MO 63825
Phone: 573-568-3871
Fax: 573-568-3421
Fort Leonard Wood Veterans Cemetery
25350 Highway H
Waynesville, MO 65583
Phone: 573-774-3496
Fax: 573-774-2160
Higginsville Veterans Cemetery
20109 Business Hwy 13
Higginsville, MO 64037
Phone: 660-362-6111
Fax: 660-362-6112
Jacksonville Veterans Cemetery
1479 County Road 1675
Jacksonville, MO 65260
Phone: 660-372-6024
Fax: 660-372-6099
Springfield Veterans Cemetery
5201 S. Southwood Road
Springfield, MO 65804
Phone: 417-823-3944
Fax: 417-823-0252
Each cemetery provides the following services at no cost:
- Opening and closing of the grave
- Concrete grave liner (if a vault is not purchased by the family)
- Upright granite headstone or columbarium niche cover
- Military honors for the Veteran
- Perpetual care
Who is eligible for Burial at a Missouri State Veterans Cemetery? Eligibility requirements for burial at a Missouri State Veterans Cemetery are the same as for VA National Cemeteries. Exact eligibility requirements can viewed at the VA, National Cemetery Administration Eligibility webpage. The following are the general eligibility requirements:
- Discharged from active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable, or
- Died while serving on active duty, or
- Served at least 20 years in the National Guard or U.S. Armed Forces Reserves and is eligible for military retired pay (or would have been eligible except their death occurred before age 60), or
- Reserve component service members if they were activated for federal service, (active duty for training does not qualify)
- Spouse and children (burial of dependent children is limited to unmarried children under 21 years old, or 23 years old if a full-time student at an approved educational institution, or a Child who develops a lifelong disability prior to age 21)
- There is no residency requirement for burial at a Missouri Veterans Cemetery
All Veterans are encouraged to complete the Missouri Veterans Cemetery Pre-Certification Application to establish eligibility prior to need.
Missouri Veterans Commission, Planning for the Future Booklet
Learn more about the Missouri State Veterans Cemeteries
Military Funeral Honors: Military Funeral Honors is a ceremony paying final respect and gratitude for service to the Nation.
The military funeral honors ceremony consists of (at a minimum):
- Folding and presentation of the American flag
- Sounding of Taps
Military Funeral Honors may be provided by any combination of Missouri National Guard Servicemembers, active duty service members, retired service members or Veterans Service Organizations.
Who is eligible for Military Funeral Honors? Deceased active and reserve component service members, retired service members, and Veterans who served at least one term of enlistment and separated under honorable conditions are eligible for Military Funeral Honors.
Military Funeral Honors are requested through the funeral home and are provided at no cost to the Veteran’s family.
Learn more about Military Funeral Honors
Missouri Military family Relief Fund (MMFRF): MMFRF provides emergency financial grants to eligible service members and their Families who are suffering from financial hardship. Applicants can receive a grant for up to $3000 once in a 12 month period.
Who is eligible for the MMFRF?
- Missouri National Guard service member, or
- U.S. Armed Forces Reserve service member who either lives in or drills in Missouri
- Pay grade E-3 through O-3 (includes WO-1 and WO-2)
- Has not received a MMFRF grant within the last 12 months
- Financial hardship must not require resolution in less than a week
For more information, please contact the nearest family Assistant Center Specialist.
Missouri family Assistance Center Directory
MMFRF Application
Learn more about the Missouri Military family Relief Fund
Missouri War Medallion Program: Missouri offers medallions for service members and Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during certain wartime periods. Missouri currently offers the following medallions:
- World War II - December 7, 1941, through December 31, 1946
- D-Day, Jubilee of Liberty – June 6, 1944, through September 30, 1944
- Korean War - June 27, 1950, through January 31, 1955
- Vietnam War - February 28, 1961, through May 7, 1975
- Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm - August 7, 1990, through June 7, 1991
- Operations Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn - March 19, 2003, through December 15, 2011
Who is eligible for the Missouri War Medallion Program? Veterans must meet the following requirements to be eligible:
- Served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during the stated conflict dates
- Legal resident of Missouri:
- At the time of application, or
- When they entered or were discharged from active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces, or
- At the time of their death, or
- Served in a unit of the Missouri National Guard regardless of state of residence
- Service members did not have to serve overseas to be eligible
- Received an honorable discharge, or still serving
A Surviving spouse, or oldest living Survivors may apply for a medallion to be presented posthumously. Applicants are required to provide official documentation as proof of eligibility (DD214, discharge paperwork, etc.).
Mail or fax completed applications and required documentation to:
Office of the Adjutant General
ATTN: Veterans Awards
P.O. Box 1808
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Fax: 573-638-9566
Phone: 573-638-9561, 866-834-3431
Missouri War Medallion Program Application Form
Learn more about the Missouri War Medallion Program
Missouri DEFENDERS Program: The Missouri Attorney General’s DEFENDERS Program provides free legal assistance to service members and their dependents for certain legal matters. Additionally, DEFENDERS helps service members, and their Families find and retain affordable and qualified legal counsel.
Defenders provides:
- Referrals to attorneys providing free representation for claims under the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
- Fights predatory business practices targeting military communities
- Educational presentations on military consumer protection issues, civil legal protections for service members and DEFENDERS services that are available
- Legal representation for National Guard service members who have employment claims because of state active duty
- Estate planning workshops for Veterans
Who is eligible the DEFENDERS Program? To be eligible for DEFENDERS services, service members must meet the following qualifications:
- Active and reserve component service members stationed in Missouri
- Missouri resident service members stationed outside of Missouri (court, jurisdiction or venue for the legal issue must be in Missouri)
- Service members in the inactive reserves (IRR) are not eligible for DEFENDERS services
Missouri DEFENDERS Online Contact Page
Learn more about the Missouri DEFENDERS Program
Missouri Substitute Addresses for Homeless Veterans: Homeless Veterans are authorized to use charitable, religious, fraternal, or Veterans organization as a mailing address to receive state or federal assistance. Organizations must meet the following requirements:
- Purpose of the organization is to provide charitable, religious, fraternal, or Veterans services
- Organization has been providing these services for more than 10 years
- Organization is willing to be the substitute address for the homeless Veteran
Learn more about Missouri Substitute Addresses for Homeless Veterans
Missouri Heroes Way Designation Program: The Missouri Heroes Way Designation authorizes state-maintained highway interchanges, bridges or portions of highway to be designated for Missouri resident service members who were killed in action while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. For more information, please call 573-751-7643.
Missouri Department of Transportation, Heroes Way Naming Application Form
Learn more about the Missouri Heroes Way Designation Program
Missouri National Guard family Assistance Centers (FACs): There are 12 Missouri National Guard FACs located throughout the state that serve as a point of contact for service members and their Families needing assistance. FACs are staffed by Soldier and family Readiness Specialists (SFRS) who can assist with family Readiness Groups and coordinate assistance during family emergencies, deployments, mass casualty events, and natural disasters.
Learn more about Missouri National Guard family Assistance Centers
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Missouri
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Missouri: The VA has numerous resources available for Veterans and family members. Please see the local location listing the nearest facility.
Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Missouri
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in Missouri: The VA National Cemetery Administration maintains four national cemeteries in Missouri. Please see the local location listing for the nearest cemetery.
Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in Missouri
Missouri Veterans Commission
205 Jefferson Street
12th Floor Jefferson Building
P.O. Drawer 147
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-3779
Missouri Veterans Commission Facebook Page
Learn more about the Missouri Veterans Commission
Military Installations in Missouri
Please see the Missouri Military Resource Locator for additional information
Active Duty
Fort Leonard Wood
Air Force
Whiteman Air Force Base
National Guard
Missouri National Guard
Missouri Air National Guard
139 th Airlift Wing
131 st Bomb Wing
U.S. Army Reserve (USAR)
88 th Readiness Division
Missouri Benefits and Resource Guide for Veterans and Military
U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Veterans' Preference Missouri Department of Revenue, Specialty License Plate Chart
Missouri Unemployment Benefits for Military spouses
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Facility Directory Missouri
Military Interstate children's Compact Commission, Missouri
Missouri Department of Revenue, Military Reference Guide
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Service Organization Directory